



sidebar is a customizable file explorer with git integration, but not only that. You can also get the list of buffers and your maildirs with mu4e.

I had few problems with others similar projects, so I wrote this one:

Everything is customizable.
The icons are available on both GUI and terminal versions.
Please give me your feedback and open issue for bugs.



Please install icons-in-terminal.
Follow the instructions for emacs integration.

sidebar is not yet available on MELPA.
I'm waiting for feedbacks to add it on melpa.

$ git clone https://github.com/sebastiencs/sidebar.el.git

Add those lines in your emacs init file:

(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.local/share/icons-in-terminal/") ;; If it's not already done
(add-to-list 'load-path "PATH-TO-SIDEBAR-DIRECTORY")
(require 'sidebar)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-f") 'sidebar-open)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-a") 'sidebar-buffers-open)

sidebar require some packages: dash, dash-functional, s, ov, projectile and frame-local.
You can install them through melpa.

Default commands

RETsidebar-open-lineOpen file or enter directory
M-RETsidebar-open-line-in-windowOpen file in a selected window
C-dsidebar-deleted-selectedDelete the file
C-hsidebar-historyOpen the history of visited directory
isidebar-create-directoryCreate a directory
nsidebar-create-fileCreate a file
M-Csidebar-cut-selectedCut the file
Csidebar-copy-selectedCopy the file
Psidebar-pastePaste the file
?sidebar-helpOpen describe-mode
Rsidebar-rename-selectedRename the file
gsidebar-refreshRefresh the content of the sidebar
qsidebar-closeClose sidebar
<tab>sidebar-switch-to-buffersSwitch to the list of buffers
DELsidebar-up-directoryChange the current directory to its parent (Backspace)
<right>sidebar-adjust-window-widthAdjust the window width if the filename is too long
<left>sidebar-reset-window-widthReset the window width to the default value

Commands with sidebar-buffers

RETsidebar-buffers-open-lineOpen the buffer
M-RETsidebar-buffers-open-in-windowOpen the buffer in a selected window
dsidebar-buffers-mark-deleteMark the buffer to be delete
ssidebar-buffers-mark-saveMark the buffer to be save
usidebar-buffers-unmarkUnmark the buffer
xsidebar-buffers-mark-executeExecute the action(s) on marked buffer(s)
qsidebar-buffers-closeClose sidebar
gsidebar-refreshRefresh the content of the sidebar
<tab>sidebar-switch-to-filesSwitch to the list of files
hsidebar-buffers-toggle-hiddenShow/hide the hidden buffers (starting with a space)
<right>sidebar-adjust-window-widthAdjust the window width if the filename is too long
<left>sidebar-reset-window-widthReset the window width to the default value
?sidebar-helpOpen describe-mode

Commands with sidebar-mu4e

;sidebar-mu4e-switch-contextSwitch context on mu4e and refresh the sidebar content
RETsidebar-mu4e-open-lineOpen the maildir or bookmark
qsidebar-closeClose sidebar
<right>sidebar-adjust-window-widthAdjust the window width if the filename is too long
<left>sidebar-reset-window-widthReset the window width to the default value
?sidebar-helpOpen describe-mode


To customize icons and behaviours of sidebar:
M-x customize-group [RET] sidebar [RET]
To customize the colors:
M-x customize-group [RET] sidebar-faces [RET]
To customize sidebar-buffers:
M-x customize-group [RET] sidebar-buffers [RET]
To customize sidebar-mu4e:
M-x customize-group [RET] sidebar-mu4e [RET]

You will likely want to customize sidebar-primary-color, most of the faces inherit from it.


sidebar-orange sidebar-sides


See here