

wc-scratch 🧽

A fun scratch card native web component without any dependencies.

🎉 Installation

Install it ith npm:

npm i wc-scratch

Or link it using a script tag:

<script type="module" src="https://unpkg.com/wc-scratch@latest/dist/wc-scratch.js"></script>

✨ Usage

Import the component - this will also register it as a custom element with the tag name <wc-scratch>:

import 'wc-scratch'

Now you can use the component in your markup:

  <h1 style="margin: 0">Scratch me free!</h1>

⚙️ Configuration

🎰 Slot

Slot nameDescription
defaultThe content to be scratched free.
scratch-sourceUsed to pass an image that acts as a scratch-color replacement.

Example on how to use the scratch-source slot:

  <h1>Scratch me!</h1>
  <img slot="scratch-source" crossorigin style="display: none;" src="https://example.com/example.jpeg" alt="image" />

💡 Props

brush-sizenumber10Defines the lineWidth attribute.
brush-shapestring'round'Defines the lineJoin attribute.
scratch-colorstring'#000000'The color you want to scratch away with your scratch card. Can be any valid CSS color.
percentage-updatebooleanfalseFlag to toggle the percentage-update event emitter on or off.

🎈 Events

percentage-update{ detail: number }Emits a custom event with the cleared amount as a percentage.


  const scratch = document.querySelector('wc-scratch[percentage-update]')
  scratch.addEventListener('percentage-update', ({ detail }) => console.log(detail))

✔️ Caveats

  1. Please avoid using margin on a content element since it can lead to improper sizing of the canvas element and therefore the content might be visible.

  2. Calculation of the cleared area is rounded with a 150 pixel error margin.