

SpaceCamp logo

<div align="center"> <h3> SpaceCamp is an attractive, comfortable, and legible colorscheme for Vim. This is the port for Kitty terminal. </h3> </div>

Theme Swatch

<div align="center"> <h2> Flight Instructions </h2> </div>
  1. Clone this repo
  2. Copy the spacecamp.conf file to a preferred location
  3. Add an include to your kitty.conf file, like this:
include ./path/to/theme/spacecamp.conf


Kitty terminal - SpaceCamp screenshot


background #121212
foreground #d0d0d0
selection_background #d0d0d0
selection_foreground #121212
url_color #91aadf
cursor #d0d0d0
active_border_color #666666
inactive_border_color #d8fa3b
active_tab_background #282828
active_tab_foreground #dedede
inactive_tab_background #dedede
inactive_tab_foreground #282828

# normal
color0 #282828
color1 #d71a1a
color2 #57ba37
color3 #f0d50c
color4 #91aadf
color5 #cf73e6
color6 #b7cbf4
color7 #dedede

# bright
color8 #666666
color9 #ff0000
color10 #d8fa3b
color11 #e7c547
color12 #b7cbf4
color13 #b77ee0
color14 #a9c1de
color15 #eeeeee


Credit on colors and readme.md file layout to Jared Gorski's SpaceCamp vim colors.