


Salt and Sanctuary modding project using MonoMod. https://github.com/0x0ade/MonoMod

Building The API

  1. Clone this
  2. Go to your game installation and copy the game exe and dlls there to a folder called "Vanilla" in the base directory of this repo (This will work for either a Windows or OSX game install, untested with Linux)
  3. If you are building for Mac, change the second instance of salt.ModdingApi.mm.dll in the post-build events to Salt.ModdingApi.mm.dll (Capital S)
  4. Open the solution in Visual Studio 2017 (May work in other versions, only tested on 2017)
  5. Set the build configuration to Debug.
  6. Build the project and move the new game exe from %RepoPath%/Output/ to your game folder
  7. Move all MonoMod and Mono.Cecil files from the MonoMod folder to your game folder
  8. If you are running this on Mac, you will also need to add a copy of System.IdentityModel.dll to your game folder
  9. Place mods in a folder called "Mods" in your game folder