

AdventureLog: Embark, Explore, Remember. 🌍

"Never forget an adventure with AdventureLog - Your ultimate travel companion!"

"Buy Me A Coffee"

Table of Contents


Docker 🐋

Docker is the preferred way to run AdventureLog on your local machine. It is a lightweight containerization technology that allows you to run applications in isolated environments called containers. Note: This guide mainly focuses on installation with a linux based host machine, but the steps are similar for other operating systems.


Getting Started

Get the docker-compose.yml file from the AdventureLog repository. You can download it from here or run this command to download it directly to your machine:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/seanmorley15/AdventureLog/main/docker-compose.yml


Here is a summary of the configuration options available in the docker-compose.yml file:

<!-- make a table with colum name, is required, other -->

Frontend Container (web)

NameRequiredDescriptionDefault Value
PUBLIC_SERVER_URLYesWhat the frontend SSR server uses to connect to the backend.http://server:8000
ORIGINSometimesNot needed if using HTTPS. If not, set it to the domain of what you will acess the app from.http://localhost:8015
BODY_SIZE_LIMITYesUsed to set the maximum upload size to the server. Should be changed to prevent someone from uploading too much! Custom values must be set in kiliobytes.Infinity

Backend Container (server)

NameRequiredDescriptionDefault Value
PGHOSTYesDatabse host.db
PGUSERYesDatabase user.adventure
PGPASSWORDYesDatabase password.changeme123
DJANGO_ADMIN_USERNAMEYesDefault username.admin
DJANGO_ADMIN_PASSWORDYesDefault password, change after inital login.admin
DJANGO_ADMIN_EMAILYesDefault user's email.admin@example.com
PUBLIC_URLYesThis needs to match the outward port of the server and be accessible from where the app is used. It is used for the creation of image urls.http://localhost:8016
CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINSYesNeed to be changed to the orgins where you use your backend server and frontend. These values are comma seperated.http://localhost:8016
FRONTEND_URLYesThis is the publicly accessible url to the frontend container. This link should be accessible for all users. Used for email generation.http://localhost:8015

Running the Containers

To start the containers, run the following command:

docker compose up -d

Enjoy AdventureLog! 🎉


Adventure Page Displaying the adventures you have visited and the ones you plan to embark on. You can also filter and sort the adventures.

Detail Page Shows specific details about an adventure, including the name, date, location, description, and rating.


Map Page View all of your adventures on a map, with the ability to filter by visit status and add new ones by click on the map.

Itinerary Page

Country Page

Region Page

About AdventureLog

AdventureLog is a Svelte Kit and Django application that utilizes a PostgreSQL database. Users can log the adventures they have experienced, as well as plan future ones. Key features include:

AdventureLog aims to be your ultimate travel companion, helping you document your adventures and plan new ones effortlessly.

AdventureLog is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.

<!-- ## Screenshots 🖼️ ![Visited Log](https://github.com/seanmorley15/AdventureLog/blob/main/brand/screenshots/visited.png?raw=true) ![Planner Log](https://github.com/seanmorley15/AdventureLog/blob/main/brand/screenshots/ideas.png?raw=true) ![Country List](https://github.com/seanmorley15/AdventureLog/blob/main/brand/screenshots/countrylist.png?raw=true) ![Region List for the United States](https://github.com/seanmorley15/AdventureLog/blob/main/brand/screenshots/regions.png?raw=true) ## Roadmap 🛣️ - Improved mobile device support - Password reset functionality - Improved error handling - Handling of adventure cards with variable width -->
