



What's New

So you came here expecting docker-shipxplorer? As of March 15, 2024 (the Ides of March!), the docker-shipxplorer repo has been renamed to docker-shipfeeder. The container can do so much more than just feeding ShipXplorer, and the new name covers the scope of what we're doing much better!

We're still enthusiastic feeders of AIS data to AirNav's ShipXplorer, and the amount of support that company has provided to the community is much appreciated. No changes there!

The newly updated container now also allows you to much easier configure feeding the other aggregators, see the Feeding AIS Aggregator Services section!

In adding all these improvements, we didn't forget our current users: the container is fully backwards compatible with the settings and environment variables you are already using. So no change is needed, unless you want to. We're also automatically producing two container images in parallel - they are exactly the same except for their names: ghcr.io/sdr-enthusiasts/docker-shipfeeder (new!) and ghcr.io/sdr-enthusiasts/shipxplorer (legacy).

If you need help, feel free to chat with us at the Discord server that is linked elsewhere in this Readme.

Table of Contents

Docker container for feeding many AIS aggregators, showing a local map with ships heard, etc. The container uses AIS-Catcher and also includes AirNav ShipXplorer's sxfeeder. Builds and runs on arm64, armv7/armhf, and amd64/x86.


We expect you to have the following:

Multi Architecture Support

Currently, this image should pull and run on the following architectures:

Other architectures (Windows, Mac) are not currently supported, but feel free to see if the container builds and runs for these. In theory, it should work, but I don't have the time nor inclination to test it.

Up-and-Running with Docker Compose

You can find these as files here: docker-compose.yml example; .env example

<details> <summary>&lt;&dash;&dash; Click the arrow to see the <code>docker-compose.yml</code> and <code>.env</code> examples</summary>
version: '3.8'
    image: ghcr.io/sdr-enthusiasts/docker-shipfeeder
    container_name: shipfeeder
    hostname: shipfeeder
    restart: always
#     general parameters:
#     ais-catcher general and website related parameters
      - STATION_HISTORY=3600
      - SITESHOW=on
      - REALTIME=on
#     ais-catcher receiver-related parameters
#     aggregrators-related parameters
#     incoming UDP data related parameters:
      - 90:80
      - 9988:9988/udp
      - 'c 189:* rwm'
      - /tmp
      - "/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro"
      - "/etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro"
      - "/opt/ais/shipxplorer/data:/data"
      - /dev:/dev:rw

Example accompanying .env file:

# ShipFeeder receiver and webpage related parameters:
# keys and params for aggregators:
# If you aren't feeding a specific aggregator, leave the value EMPTY or remove the parameter

Replace these parameters with the appropriate values. You can use rtl_test to see which devices and device serials are connected to your machine, or rtl_eeprom to rename the device's serial number.


Runtime Environment Variables

SDR and Receiver Related Variables

Environment VariablePurposeDefault value if omitted
RTLSDR_DEVICE_SERIALSerial Number of your RTL-SDR dongleEmpty
RTLSDR_DEVICE_GAINSDR device gain. Can also be set to auto33
RTLSDR_DEVICE_PPMPPM deviation of your RTLSDR deviceEmpty
RTLSDR_DEVICE_BANDWIDTHChannel bandwitdh of the receiver192K
RTLSDR_DEVICE_BIASTEEIf set to on, 1, enabled, or yes, the bias-tee function of the RTLSDR device will be switched onEmpty
AISCATCHER_CHANNELSChannels flag for ais-catcher. Set to AB (receive on channel AB, default value if omitted), CD (receive on channel CD), or CD AB (receive on channel CD but forward this data to aggregators saying it's channel AB; this can be used to send channels CD data to aggregators that can't handle CD data)Empty (AB)
AISCATCHER_DECODER_MODELDecoder model number for ais-catcher2
AISCATCHER_DECODER_AFC_WIDE-go AFC_WIDE flag for ais-catcher. Recommended to set to onon
AISCATCHER_DECODER_FP_DS-go PF_DS flag for ais-catcherEmpty
AISCATCHER_DECODER_PS_EMA-go PS_EMA flag for ais-catcherEmpty
AISCATCHER_DECODER_SOXR-go SOXR flag for ais-catcherEmpty
AISCATCHER_DECODER_SRC-go SRC flag for ais-catcherEmpty
AISCATCHER_DECODER_DROOP-go DROOP flag for ais-catcherEmpty
AISCATCHER_UDP_INPUTSList of comma-separated hostname:port[:CHANNELS] combinations of external NMEA AIS data UDP sources. You can use this to feed data between ais-catcher or docker-shipfeeder instances. The :CHANNELS part is optional; channels AB will be used if omitted. Examples</br>AISCATCHER_UDP_INPUTS=remotehost-1:9999:AB CD,remotehost-2:9988,remotehost-3:8899:CDEmpty
AISCATCHER_EXTRA_OPTIONSAny additional command line parameters you wish to pass to AIS-catcherEmpty
VERBOSE_LOGGINGIf set to a number (0-5), it's set to the AIS-Catcher -o log level. Any other non-empty string corresponds to -o 2. To silence AIS-Catcher logs, set this parameter to 02 (a summary is displayed every 60 seconds)

If the AISCATCHER_CHANNELS and AISCATCHER_DECODER_XXXX parameters listed above are set, they will overwrite/remove any equivalent parameters added to the AISCATCHER_EXTRA_OPTIONS parameter.

Website Related Parameters

Environment VariablePurposeDefault value if omitted
DISABLE_WEBSITEIf set to true, the AIS-Catcher website will not be availablefalse
PLUGINS_FILELoad a file with custom javascript to override parts of the WebUI or add functionality. Map the container /data to any volume, place your file inside the volume and put the file name here (for example plugins.js)Empty
STYLES_FILELoad a file with custom css to override parts of the WebUI or add functionality. Map the container /data to any volume, place your file inside the volume and put the file name here (for example styles.css)Empty
STATION_NAMEStation name displayed on stat web pageEmpty
STATION_LINKURL displayed on stat web pageEmpty
STATION_HISTORYThe number of seconds of history that will be shown in plots on the website3600
BACKUP_INTERVALHow often a file with data statistics (aiscatcher.bin) will be written to disk, in minutes. In order to make this backup persistent, make sure to map the /data directory to a volume. See example in docker-compose.yml.2880 (=2 days)
BACKUP_RETENTION_TIMETime (in days) to keep backups of aiscatcher.bin and plugins. Note - this only affects the backups of these files and not the active aiscatcher.bin or active plugins.30 (days)
SITESHOWIf set to anything non-empty, it will show the station location as a dot on the mapEmpty
FEEDER_LAT or SXFEEDER_LAT (legacy)Used for calculating ship distances on web pageEmpty
FEEDER_LONG or SXFEEDER_LON (legacy)Used for calculating ship distances on web pageEmpty
DISABLE_SHOWLASTMSGIf set to true, the last NMEA0182 message option won't be shown on the website.Empty, i.e., last message option is available on website
PLUGIN_UPDATE_INTERVALOptional. Set this to the interval (for example, 30 (secs) or 5m or 6h or 3d) to check the AIS-Catcher github repository for updates to the JavaScript web plugins. Set to 0 or off to disable checking.6h
REFRESHRATERefresh rate of the vessel data on the web page, in msec. Larger numbers reduce web page traffic, which can become an issue if there are a large number of vessels2500 (msec)
DISABLE_GEOJSONIf set to true, no GeoJSON info will be available at http://my_aiscatcher/geojson. This is normally enabled if the parameter is omitted.Empty (GeoJSON is default enabled)

Feeding AIS Aggregator Services

Easy sharing with other services

This table shows which parameters to set and how to obtain credentials for a number of well-known AIS aggregators. A (partial) list of these aggregators and instructions on how to get a key or port for them can be found here

NameParameterDefault IP/DNS/URLFeeding protocol:<br>UDP/TCP/HTTP/OtherHow to register for a key or ID
ADSB-Network (RadarVirtuel)RADARVIRTUEL_FEEDER_KEY (optional, value is lourd if omitted)<br>RADARVIRTUEL_STATION_IDhttps://ais.adsbnetwork.com/ingester/insert/$RADARVIRTUEL_FEEDER_KEYHTTPEmail support@adsbnetwork.com with your request to join. If you receive an ais-catcher string like this: -H http://ais.adsbnetwork.com/ingester/insert/lourd ID xx INTERVAL 5 RESPONSE off, then simply set RADARVIRTUEL_STATION_ID to xx and omit or leave blank the RADARVIRTUEL_FEEDER_KEY parameter
AirframesAIRFRAMES_STATION_IDhttp://feed.airframes.io:5599HTTPNo signup needed. AIRFRAMES_STATION_ID is a self-chosen ID that has the form of II-STATIONNAME-AIS, where II are the initials of the owner's name, and STATIONNAME is a self-chosen station name (A-Z, 0-9 only please)
AIS-CatcherAISCATCHER_SHAREDATA=true<br>AISCATCHER_FEEDER_KEYOtherSee Exchanging data with aiscatcher.org https://aiscatcher.org/#join. In the future, AISCatcher may provide you with an optional UUID that you can set in AISCATCHER_FEEDER_KEY
APRS.fiAPRSFI_FEEDER_KEY<br>APRSFI_STATION_IDhttp://aprs.fi/jsonais/post/$APRS_FEEDER_KEYHTTPGet AIS Password (APRSFI_FEEDER_KEY) at https://aprs.fi/?c=account. Use your Ham Radio callsign for APRSFI_STATION_ID. Both fields are mandatory.
BoatBeaconBOATBEACON_SHAREDATA=trueboatbeaconapp.com:5322UDPhttps://pocketmariner.com/ais-ship-tracking/cover-your-area/set-up-and-ais-shore-station/ - no keys or IDs are required
MarineTrafficMARINETRAFFIC_UDP_PORT or<br/>MARINETRAFFIC_TCP_PORT5.9.207.224UDP / TCPhttps://www.marinetraffic.com/en/join-us/cover-your-area Please use either the UDP option or the TCP option as instructed by MarineTraffic, but don't use both!
MyShipTrackingMYSHIPTRACKING_UDP_PORT or<br/>MYSHIPTRACKING_TCP_PORT178.162.215.175UDP / TCPhttps://www.myshiptracking.com/help-center/contributors/add-your-station By default, you should use UDP to feed, unless you are specifically asked to use TCP by the company. Do not use both!
ShippingExplorerSHIPPINGEXPLORER_UDP_PORT or<br/>SHIPPINGEXPLORER_TCP_PORT144.76.54.111UDP or TCPRequest UDP port at https://www.shippingexplorer.net/en/contact By default, you should use UDP to feed, unless you are specifically asked to use TCP by the company. Do not use both!
ShipXplorerSHIPXPLORER_SHARING_KEY or SHARING_KEY (legacy)<br>SHIPXPLORER_SERIAL_NUMBER or SERIAL_NUMBER (legacy)OtherSee Obtaining a ShipXplorer Sharing Key
ShipXplorer (alt. config with UDP)SHIPXPLORER_UDP_PORThub.shipxplorer.comUDPAlternative way to feed ShipXplorer via UDP instead of via a Sharing Key. Please use one or the other, but not both! Sign up at https://www.shipxplorer.com/addcoverage and select "I want to share with: NMEA over UDP"
VesselFinderVESSELFINDER_UDP_PORT or<br/>VESSELFINDER_TCP_PORTais.vesselfinder.comUDP / TCPhttps://stations.vesselfinder.com/become-partner By default, you should use UDP to feed, unless you are specifically asked to use TCP by the company. Do not use both!
VesselTrackerVESSELTRACKER_UDP_PORT or<br/>VESSELTRACKER_TCP_PORT83.220.137.136UDP or TCPhttps://www.vesseltracker.com/en/static/antenna-partner.html By default, you should use UDP to feed, unless you are specifically asked to use TCP by the company

Note: for all parameters SERVICE_UDP_PORT (and similarly for SERVICE_TCP_PORT where supported), you may use one of the following formats:

For services that do no need any UDP ports or credentials, you can simply set - SERVICE_SHAREDATA=true. However, if you want to use a non-default port and/or hostname/ip, you can set also SERVICE_UDP_PORT (as shown above) for that service. Order of preference:

We decided to allow parallel feeding to UDP and TCP ports because some aggregators have asked our users to do this temporarily for testing. However, the user should take caution not to feed duplicate data to any aggregator unless the aggregator specifically requested this for testing purposes.

Exchanging data with aiscatcher.org

aiscatcher.org is an exchange of AIS NMEA data. If you share your data with this server, you automatically receive data about other ships in return. We recommend to switch this on for an optimal viewing experience. You can enable it by simply adding the following to the environment section of your shipfeeder service section in docker-compose.yml. Note that the AISCATCHER_SHAREKEY parameter is optional and will be ignored for now, pending implementation of this feature by AIS-Catcher.


Configuring feeding to ShipXplorer

Obtaining a ShipXplorer Sharing Key

ATTENTION Raspberry Pi 5 users (only) should read Working around ShipXplorer issues on Raspberry Pi 5 before proceeding!

First-time users should obtain a ShipXplorer sharing key. In order to obtain a ShipXplorer sharing key, on the first run of the container, it will generate a sharing key and print this to the container log. If you can't find it, you can also copy and paste this command:

timeout 180s docker run \
    --rm \
    -it \
    --entrypoint /usr/bin/get-creds \

This will run the container for 3 minutes, allowing a sharing key to be generated. Shortly after, you will see something like this:

WARNING: SHARING_KEY or SERIAL_NUMBER environment variable was not set!
Please make sure you note down the keys generated and update your docker-compose.yml with these values.
Set environment var SHARING_KEY to the new key displayed below - this is the long hex number
Set environment var SERIAL_NUMBER to the Serial Number displayed below - this is the SXTRPIxxxxxx string
They must be set for this container to run.
Please set it and restart the container.

[2022-11-01 19:48:19]  Your new key is f1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx57 and Serial Number (SN) is SXTRPIxxxxxx.
Please save this key for future use. You will have to know this key to link this receiver to your account
in https://www.shipxplorer.com/. This key is also saved in configuration file (/etc/sxfeeder.ini)

You can wait for the 3 minutes to pass, or you can press CTRL-C now to finish. Take a note of the Sharing Key (f1...57 - yours will be a different number) and the Serial Number (SXTRPIxxxxxx), and add these to the SHIPXPLORER_SHARING_KEY and SHIPXPLORER_SERIAL_NUMBER parameters of your docker-compose.yml file.

If you're not a first time user and are migrating from another installation, you can retrieve your sharing key by doing this:

The key and sn lines show your current credentials

Claiming Your ShipXplorer Receiver

Once your container is up and running, you should claim your receiver.

  1. Go to https://www.shipxplorer.com
  2. Create an account or sign in
  3. Claim your receiver by visiting https://www.shipxplorer.com/addcoverage and following the instructions

Note - you will need your SHARING_KEY and the location of your feeder (coordinates or pick on map). As of now, it appears that you don't need your SN or Public IP address.

Adding Additional Command-line Parameters to sxfeeder

sxfeeder is the binary component that is used to feed data to ShipXplorer. Normally, you don't have to interact with it, but exceptional circumstances may arise where you would like to add additional command line parameters to this program. You can do so, by adding them as follows:

Environment VariablePurposeDefault value if omitted
SXFEEDER_EXTRA_OPTIONSAny additional command line parameters you wish to pass to sxfeederEmpty

Workaround for CPU Serial (only needed when feeding ShipXplorer with non-Raspberry Pi systems)

The sxfeeder binary effectively greps for serial\t\t: in your /proc/cpuinfo file, to determine the RPi's serial number.

For systems that don't have a CPU serial number in /proc/cpuinfo, we can "fudge" this by generating a replacement cpuinfo file with a random serial number. To do this, copy and paste the following on your host machine:

sudo mkdir -m777 -p /opt/shipfeeder/cpuinfo
sudo install -m 666 /proc/cpuinfo /opt/shipfeeder/cpuinfo/
echo -e "serial\t\t: $(hexdump -n 8 -e '4/4 "%08X" 1 "\n"' /dev/urandom | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" >> /opt/shipfeeder/cpuinfo/cpuinfo

You can now map this file into your container:

  - /opt/shipfeeder/cpuinfo/cpuinfo:/proc/cpuinfo

Feeding Additional Services Using UDP

If you want to feed and additional AIS aggregator that uses a hostname/UDP port that is not listed above, then simply add a comma separated list of hostnames/ip addresses and UDP ports to the UDP_FEEDS parameter. Format: UDP_FEEDS=domain1.com:port1[:params],domain2,com:port2[:params],...

For example:

- UDP_FEEDS=,ais.aggregator.org:1234

Feeding Additional Services Using TCP

If you want to feed and additional AIS aggregator that uses a hostname/TCP port that is not listed above, then simply add a comma separated list of hostnames/ip addresses and UDP ports to the TCP_FEEDS parameter. Format: TCP_FEEDS=domain1.com:port1[:params],domain2,com:port2[:params],...

For example:

- TCP_FEEDS=,ais.aggregator.org:4321

Feeding Additional Services Using HTTP

To feed additional AIS aggregators that are not listed above using HTTP, you first need to create an AIS feeder account at that service. They will provide you with a URL and any additional parameters you need to configure AIS-Catcher. For example:


Note: if you want to feed multiple HTTP aggregators, you can simply append each feeder string to the AISCATCHER_EXTRA_OPTIONS variable with a space in between them. For example:


Adding an About Page to the AIS-Catcher Website

You can add an About page to the AIS-Catcher Website by placing a file called about.md in the /data directory of the container. If you mapped this directory to a volume as shown in the example, the file as seen from the host system would be /opt/ais/shipfeeder/about.md. You can format the text in this file using Markdown.


AIS-Catcher Web Plugin Support and AIS-Catcher Persistency

We recommend mapping a volume (as shown in the sample docker-compose.yml file in this repo) to the /data directory. This will ensure that AIS-Catcher data will persist across restarts and container recreation.

Web Plugins for AIS-Catcher can be placed in the /data/plugins directory.

Additional Statistics Dashboard with Prometheus and Grafana

See this readme for information on how to set up and configure a Grafana stats dashboard for use with shipfeeder. Make sure to set this parameter to enable Prometheus data for the container:

Environment VariablePurposeDefault value if omitted
PROMETHEUS_ENABLEIf set to true, enables Prometheus data at /metrics on the webserver.Empty (disabled)

Configuring 2 SDRs for Reception on Channels AB and CD

If you want shipfeeder to use 2 SDRs to listen to AIS Channels AB and CD at the same time, you can do the following

- AISCATCHER_EXTRA_OPTIONS=-d SDR2-SERIAL -p 2 -a 192K -c CD -gr tuner auto rtlagc ON -v 60
- AISCATCHER_EXTRA_OPTIONS=... -N 81 GROUPS_IN 1 STATION SDR1-SERIAL FILE /data/aiscatcher-ab.bin PLUGIN_DIR /data/plugins BACKUP 5 HISTORY 3600 STATION_LINK https://my.ais-station.com LAT xx.xxxx LON yy.yyyy SHARE_LOC on MESSAGE on REALTIME on -N 82 GROUPS_IN 2 STATION SDR2_SERIAL FILE /data/aiscatcher-cd.bin PLUGIN_DIR /data/plugins BACKUP 5 HISTORY 3600 STATION_LINK https://my.ais-station.com LAT xx.xxxx LON yy.yyyy SHARE_LOC on MESSAGE on REALTIME on

Aggregating multiple instances of the container

Sometimes it's convenient to aggregate the data of multiple instances of the container into a single one, and then feed the AIS aggregators from this "central" instance. An example of this is when you have a SDR receiving from channels AB in one instance, and a SDR receiving from channels CD in a separate instance on another machine. (If you have both SDRs on the same machine, you can use a single container instance for both of them as described above). In our case, you'd want to send the data from channels CD to the instance that receives channels AB, and then use that machine to disperse the data to the various services, show its webpage, etc.

Do the following. We are assuming that the hostname/container name for the instance receiving channels AB is shipfeeder_ab and the hostname/container name for the instance receiving channels CD is shipfeeder_cd. Your names may vary.

    - UDP_FEEDS=.....;target_machine:9988
    - AISCATCHER_UDP_INPUTS=shipfeeder_cd:9988:AB CD
      - 9988:9988/udp

Once you have done this, and after you recreate the containers, the shipfeeder_cd instance will now forward its data to shipfeeder_ab, and shipfeeder_ab will aggregate this data, display it on the AIS-Catcher map and tables, and forward it to any service you may have configured for it.

Hardware requirements

AIS data is transmitted in the 160 MHz band, for which you'd need a suitable antenna. Note -- ADSB/UAT antennas will definitely not work! You would need a RTL-SDR dongle, potentially with an LNA, and potentially with a filter. The filter must be dedicated to the 160 MHz band. Dongles with built-in filters for the ADSB or UAT bands won't work. Last - the software will run on a Raspberry Pi 3B+ or 4, with Raspberry Pi OS, Ubuntu, or a similar Debian-based operating system. It will also run on X86 (Linux PC) systems with Ubuntu. The prebuilt Docker container will work on armhf/arm64 (aarch64) /x86_64 (amd64) architectures. You may be able to build containers for other systems, but for that you're on your own.

Working around ShipXplorer issues on Raspberry Pi 5

If you use ShipXplorer as recommended in Configuring feeding to ShipXplorer, the container internally uses a binary called sxfeeder to send data to the ShipXplorer service. This binary is provided as closed-source by AirNav (the company that operates ShipXplorer) and is only available in armhf (32-bits) format using 4kb kernel pages. This will work well on Raspberry Pi 3B+, 4B, and other ARM-based systems that use either 32-bits or 64-bits Debian Linux with a 4kb kernel page size.

Debian Linux for Raspberry Pi 5 uses by default a kernel with 16kb page sizes, and this is not compatible with the sxfeeder binary. You will see this in your container logs:

2024-05-23T23:15:48.998327000Z [2024-05-24 01:15:48.998][sxfeeder] Starting: /usr/bin/sxfeeder
2024-05-23T23:15:49.003069000Z [2024-05-24 01:15:49.002][sxfeeder] FATAL: sxfeeder cannot be run natively, and QEMU is not available. You cannot use this container
2024-05-23T23:15:49.004680000Z [2024-05-24 01:15:49.004][sxfeeder] FATAL: on this system / architecture. Feel free to file an issue at https://github.com/sdr-enthusiasts/docker-shipxplorer/issues
2024-05-23T23:15:49.006086000Z [2024-05-24 01:15:49.005][sxfeeder] FATAL: Cannot initiate feeder to ShipXplorer.

You can check your kernel page size with this command: getconf PAGE_SIZE . If the value returned is 4096, then all is good. If it is something else (for example 16384 for 16kb page size), you will need to implement one of the following work-arounds. You should implement either of them; it's not necessary to implement both:

Getting Help

You can log an issue on the project's GitHub.

I also have a Discord channel, feel free to join and converse.


This effort wouldn't exist without much help and advice of the following individuals:


Copyright (C) 2022-2024, Ramon F. Kolb (kx1t)

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.