

betterfetch 📜

What's betterfetch?

betterfetch is a fetch script used to quickly show system information in terminal. it's a fork of <a href="https://github.com/emilydaemon/zfetch">zfetch</a>.

What does it show?

currently it shows these:

How do I use it?

type betterfetch to run it

type betterfetchrc to edit the config file

How do I install it?


Distros that use RPM

recommended method:
sudo dnf install dnf-plugins-core
sudo dnf copr enable sctech/betterfetch
sudo dnf install betterfetch
manual method:

download the latest rpm package from the releases page.

Debian-based distros

download the latest deb package from the releases page.

Other distros

run this:

git clone https://github.com/sctech-tr/betterfetch.git 
cd betterfetch
sudo make install


install wsl and run the command above.

How do I update it?


Distros that use RPM:

if you used the recommended method:

run this:

sudo dnf update betterfetch
if you used the manual method:

download the latest rpm package from the releases page.

Debian-based distros

download the latest deb package from the releases page.

Other distros

run this:

rm -rf ~/betterfetch && git clone https://github.com/sctech-tr/betterfetch.git && cd betterfetch && sudo make install


in wsl, run the command above.

Will you provide a screenshot?


screenshot of betterfetch

Why is there no logo?

whenever i added a new line, i had to improve the drawing. i don't like ascii drawing, so I removed it. if you still want a logo, use something else.

Where are the files?

/etc/betterfetchrc - config file

/etc/betterfetch-version - version file - do not delete!!

/usr/bin/betterfetch - betterfetch itself

/usr/bin/betterfetchrc - script to edit betterfetch config file