

jSSC-0.9.0 Release version (21.12.2011)

This version contains native libs for Windows(x86, x86-64), Linux(x86, x86-64), Solaris(x86, x86-64), Mac OS X(x86, x86-64, PPC, PPC64). All native libs contains in the jssc.jar file and you don't need manage native libs manually.

In this build:

Important Note: openPort() method has been changed, now if port busy SerialPortException with type: TYPE_PORT_BUSY will be thrown, and if port not found SerialPortException with type: TYPE_PORT_NOT_FOUND will be thrown.

It's possible to know that port is busy (TYPE_PORT_BUSY) by using TIOCEXCL directive in *nix native library, 
but using of this directive make some troubles in Solaris OS, that's why TIOCEXCL not used in Solaris (!)
Be careful with it.

Also Solaris and Mac OS X versions of jSSC not support following events:

Solaris version not support non standard baudrates
Mac OS X version not support parity: MARK, SPACE.

With Best Regards, Sokolov Alexey.

============= Previous Builds ==============

///////////////////////////////////////// //jSSC-0.8 Release version (28.11.2011)// /////////////////////////////////////////

In this build:

///////////////////////////// //jSSC-0.8-tb4 (21.11.2011)// /////////////////////////////

In this build was fixed a bug in getPortNames() method under Linux.

Not implemented yet list:

///////////////////////////// //jSSC-0.8-tb3 (09.09.2011)// /////////////////////////////

In this build was implemented:

And was fixed some Linux and Windows lib bugs.

New in this build:

Some "syntactic sugar" for more usability:

The following methods read all bytes in input buffer, if buffer is empty methods will return null


Not implemented yet list:

/////////////////////////////// // jSSC-0.8-tb2 (14.07.2011) // ///////////////////////////////

In this build was implemented:

And was fixed some Linux lib bugs.

Not implemented yet list:

/////////////////////////////// // jSSC-0.8-tb1 (11.07.2011) // ///////////////////////////////

Not implemented yet list: