Allows to run scramjet modules from command line facilitating input and output.
Install globally...
npm install -g scramjet-cli
... and use:
$ cat file.log | scr ./my-module > augmented.log
A module that fetches response body from each given url would look like this:
module.exports = (stream /* assumes StringStream */) => {
return stream
.catch(e => console.warn("Error in stream", e.stack))
.map(x => JSON.parse(x));
Full usage:
Usage: scramjet [-i input] [-o output|-d] [-t StreamClass] [-p plg [-p plg]...] mod1 [mod2] ...
-i --input input - url to get, file path, empty or '-' for stdin, default: -
-o --output output - file path, '@' for print, empty or '-' for stdout, default: -
-d --display short for -o @, passes the outcome of last module to console.log
-t --type stream type, default: StringStream
-p --plugin import plugin module (argument for require)
module a module that will be passed with the stream and should return a stream
the module should return an async function that will be called
the async function will then be awaited and passed to then next