


A responsive image polyfill.

This project is archived and deprecated!

At the time, it helped us transition to responsive image HTML patterns until browsers supported them. Support and fallback strategies are now very good, and this project is no longer needed or recommended. Thanks everyone!`

build-status <img src="https://pf-slackin.herokuapp.com/badge.svg" alt="Join Slack channel"> picturefill on npm

Picturefill has three versions:

Usage, Demos, Docs

To find out how to use Picturefill, visit the project site.

The gotchas

Be it browser issues, the responsive images specifications, or Picturefill itself, there are a couple gotchas you should be aware of when working with Picturefill:

    <source srcset="../img/sample.svg" media="(min-width: 768px)" />
    <img srcset="default.png" alt="Sample pic" />
    <source srcset="../img/sample.svg" media="(min-width: 768px)" />
    <img srcset=""
        alt="Sample pic" />


For information on how to contribute code to Picturefill, check out CONTRIBUTING.md


If you find a bug in Picturefill, please add it to the issue tracker


Picturefill discussion takes place via Slack. For an invitation, visit https://pf-slackin.herokuapp.com/


There are currently no known unsupported browsers, provided that you use the markup patterns provided.