Pretty Diff
Pretty diff generates colorized HTML diffs similar to the diff/commit views on GitHub.
Simply use pretty-diff
the same way you use git diff
and you'll get pretty diffs.
If you want to share the diff, you can use gist-diff
and you'll get a new gist.
Simply install globally via npm:
npm install -g pretty-diff
has no settings of its own.
Simply provide whatever settings you want to pass to git diff
For example, to see what changed in the last commit:
pretty-diff HEAD^
has one setting: --public
By default gist-diff
will generate a private gist.
If --public
is provided, the gist will be public.
This setting can be specified anywhere (before or after the git diff
will attempt to create the gist using your GitHub account.
In order to create the gist with your account, you will be prompted for your password.
If you enter no password, then an anonymous gist will be generated.
However, if you enter an incorrect password, then no gist will be generated.
If you set your GitHub username in your git config, you will only be prompted for your password.
git config --global github.user "Your Username"
To avoid being prompted for your password, you can
create a personal access token and
store it in your git config. You don't need to set github.user
if you're using
a token.
git config --global gist-diff.token "Your token"
Copyright Scott González. Released under the terms of the MIT license.