

Agda from Nothing

A workshop on learning Agda with minimal prerequisites.

Installing Agda

The exercises are written for Agda 2.5.1.

Official Agda installation instructions

On Mac

You may find stack more reliable than cabal to build Agda.

  1. Install stack
  2. In a terminal run: stack install --resolver nightly-2016-05-08 Agda
  3. Install Aquamacs
  4. In a terminal run: agda-mode setup
  5. (Restart Aquamacs)


Docker with Emacs and exercises

I created a Docker image with Agda, Emacs and the exercises. See scottfleischman/agda-from-nothing

docker run -it scottfleischman/agda-from-nothing

Note The Mac Terminal has issues sending common control sequences such as Control+Comma. It may be better to do a full install as above, or use Docker with Agda as below with a local editor and agda-mode.

Docker with Agda only

See banacorn/docker-agda.

Emacs Keybindings

See the Agda docs for all of the keybindsings. Here are ones I commonly use. Note C- means Control+.

Global (can be used anywhere)

In a hole/goal

Unicode characters
