


ANDROPHSY is an opensource forensic tool for Android smartphones that helps digital forensic investigator throughout the life cycle of digital forensic investigation. Services provided by ANDROPHSY includes

License information

Please read license agreement carefully here.

Disclaimer notice

Before go further from this point please read and understand disclaimer notice carefully available here.

How to run ANDROPHSY project

This section describes how to setup development environment for ANDROPHSY. Currently ANDROPHSY is compatible with Linux platform only. It was implemented using Java language as an Eclipse project and successfully tested on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.

Credit and Acknowledgment

ANDROPHSY is an opensource tool and has employed several existing command line utilities to perform several jobs at the back end. ANDROPHSY consists of device rooting module and has used existing exploits to gain root access. ANDROPHSY authors acknowledge all of the original work contributors and respect their rights.


For inquires related to ANDROPHSY project contact: indeewariua[at]gmail[dot]com, amilads[at]gmail[dot]com