

SciAssess: Benchmarking LLM Proficiency in Scientific Literature Analysis

Recent breakthroughs in Large Language Models (LLMs) have revolutionized scientific literature analysis. However, existing benchmarks fail to adequately evaluate the proficiency of LLMs in this domain, particularly in scenarios requiring higher-level abilities beyond mere memorization and the handling of multimodal data. In response to this gap, we introduce SciAssess, a benchmark specifically designed for the comprehensive evaluation of LLMs in scientific literature analysis. It aims to thoroughly assess the efficacy of LLMs by evaluating their capabilities in Memorization (L1), Comprehension (L2), and Analysis & Reasoning (L3). It encompasses a variety of tasks drawn from diverse scientific fields, including biology, chemistry, material, and medicine. To ensure the reliability of SciAssess, rigorous quality control measures have been implemented, ensuring accuracy, anonymization, and compliance with copyright standards. SciAssess evaluates 11 LLMs, highlighting their strengths and areas for improvement. We hope this evaluation supports the ongoing development of LLM applications in scientific literature analysis.


To use SciAssess, first clone the repository.

Install the required dependencies:

conda create -n evals python=3.10
conda activate evals
pip install -e .

Additional Considerations:

In some task evaluations, we use models from sentence-transformers on Hugging Face. Please ensure that you can connect to Hugging Face. If you are unable to connect, you might consider manually downloading the corresponding models and updating the model import path in ./sciassess/Implement/utils/metrics.py to reflect the location where you have placed the models.


Due to copyright restrictions, we are unable to directly distribute the original PDF of the article. You will need to download the corresponding PDF according to the instructions in README and store it in SciAssess_library/pdfs.

All articles involved in this evaluation are listed in doi.txt. You need to download the corresponding PDFs according to the DOIs and store them in SciAssess_library/pdfs.

Each PDF should be named as doi.pdf, with '/' in the DOI replaced by '_', e.g., an article with DOI 10.1002/adfm.202008332 should be named as 10.1002_adfm.202008332.pdf and placed in SciAssess_library/pdfs.

Some articles' supporting information is also evaluated. These articles' DOIs are listed in si_doi.txt. You need to download the corresponding PDFs and store them in SciAssess_library/pdfs, named as doi_si.pdf.


Remember to export your OpenAI API base and key as an environment variable:

export OPENAI_BASE_URL=your_openai_base_url
export OPENAI_API_KEY=your_openai_api_key
bash run_sciassess.sh model_name

Replace model_name with the name of your model (default: gpt3.5). If you want to add CoT, add export USE_COT=1 to run_sciassess.sh before scievalset commands.

model list 🔥

Deploy your own model

Example for Qwen2.5-72B-Instrct:

deploy model with vllm

vllm serve Qwen/Qwen2.5-72B-Instruct --dtype auto --disable-custom-all-reduce --enforce-eager --served-model-name vllm --tensor-parallel-size 8

register model on evals

Add model in sciassess/Registry/completion_fns/vllm.yaml

Change port and max_len with your own parameters

  class: sciassess.Implement.completion_fns.vllm:VllmCompletionFn
      port: 8000
      max_len: 131072

eval model on SciAssess-v3

model_name is decided by model info in sciassess/Registry/completion_fns/vllm.yaml

bash run_sciassess.sh Qwen2.5-72B-Instruct