

Raspberry Pi USB MIDI Hub

Set up a Raspberry Pi as a USB/MIDI host and auto-connect devices ("brute force" approach: all devices will be connected to all other devices). Adapted from Johannes Ervik's excellent guide found here: http://m635j520.blogspot.com/2017/01/using-raspberry-pi-as-midi-usb5-pin.html and https://neuma.studio/rpi-as-midi-host.html


  1. Clone this repository to your Raspberry Pi (home directory or wherever): git clone https://github.com/schuyberg/rpi-midi-hub.git.

  2. Run the install script sudo install.sh:

    • copies 'midiconnect' scripts to /etc/usb-midi-hub
    • adds USB connect/disconnect rule to etc/udev/rules.d/
    • runs midiconnect script
  3. Set to run at startup with crontab:

    1. Open root crontab sudo crontab -e
    2. Add @reboot /etc/rpi-midi-hub/midiconnect.sh to auto-connect devices on boot.
  4. Optional but recommended: Make the Raspberry Pi filesystem readonly to avoid corrupting important files when you yank the power cable (using https://gitlab.com/larsfp/rpi-readonly)

     git clone https://gitlab.com/larsfp/rpi-readonly
     cd rpi-readonly
     sudo ./setup.sh

Note, use rw to switch back to read/write mode if you need to make any more changes.