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This software project is a result of a Bachelor's thesis created at SCHUTZWERK in collaboration with Aalen University by Philipp Schmied (@CaptnBanana).

Please refer to the corresponding blog post for more information.

Why another CAN tool?

Installing and running:

For more information, read the HTML or PDF version of the documentation in the ./doc/build folder.


Working CAN Adapters

In general, all SocketCAN devices should be compatible. CANalyzat0r has been developed and successfully tested in combination with USB2CAN for regular CAN and PCAN-USB Pro FD for CAN FD.

Testing It

You can use the Instrument Cluster Simulator in order to tinker with a virtual CAN bus without having to attach real CAN devices to your machine.


Empty GUI Windows

Please make sure that the QT_X11_NO_MITSHM environment variable is set to 1. When using sudo, please include the -E option in order to preserve this environment variable as follows: sudo -E ./CANalyzat0r.sh.

Fixing the GUI style

This application has to be run as superuser. Because of a missing configuration, the displayed style can be set to an unwanted value when the effective UID is 0. To fix this behaviour, follow these steps:


This project is licensed under the GPLv3.