

Lustre Virtual List

This is a basic virtual list component for rendering very large lists without performance problems. It renders only a subset of items at a time, based on which items are scrolled into the view.

How To Use

Before you start your lustre app, register the virtual list component.


In your view function, just call the virtual_list to render a virtual list.

  items: list.range(1, 100_000),
  render: fn(item: Int) {
    html.div([on_click(ItemClick(item)), class("item")], [
      text("Item #" <> int.to_string(item)),
  item_height: 24,
  item_count: 40,
  attributes: [class("list")],

[!NOTE] We recommend only creating virtual lists using the virtual_list function, not using the element directly.

  1. items is a list of items that will be passed to your render function.
  2. render is a view funciton that receives one item and should return the Element to render.
  3. item_height you must specify the height of each item so we can calculate the total size of the list.
  4. item_count specify how many items should be rendered at a time.
  5. attributes any additional attributes you want to add to the component, for example a class.


You can run the example in the example folder with the following command.

cd example
gleam run -m lustre/dev start


Package Version Hex Docs


If available on Hex this package can be added to your Gleam project:

gleam add lustre_virtual_list

and its documentation can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/lustre_virtual_list.