

nagios cookbook

Cookbook Version CI State OpenCollective OpenCollective License

Installs and configures Nagios server. Chef nodes are automatically discovered using search, and Nagios host groups are created based on Chef roles and optionally environments as well.


This cookbook is maintained by the Sous Chefs. The Sous Chefs are a community of Chef cookbook maintainers working together to maintain important cookbooks. If you’d like to know more please visit sous-chefs.org or come chat with us on the Chef Community Slack in #sous-chefs.



Chef Infra Client version 15.3+ is required

Because of the heavy use of search, this recipe will not work with Chef Solo, as it cannot do any searches without a server.

This cookbook relies heavily on multiple data bags. See --Data Bag-- below.

The system running this cookbooks should have a role named 'monitoring' so that NRPE clients can authorize monitoring from that system. This role name is configurable via an attribute. See --Attributes-- below.

The functionality that was previously in the nagios::client recipe has been moved to its own NRPE cookbook at https://github.com/sous-chefs/nrpe


--Notes--: This cookbook has been tested on the listed platforms. It may work on other platforms with or without modification.




The config file contains the Nagios configuration options. Consult the nagios documentation for available settings and allowed options. Configuration entries of which multiple entries are allowed, need to be specified as an Array.

Example: default['nagios']['conf']['cfg_dir'] = [ '/etc/nagios/conf.d' , '/usr/local/nagios/conf.d' ]

default attributes

These are nagios cgi.config options.


default recipe

Includes the correct client installation recipe based on platform, either nagios::server_package or nagios::server_source.

The server recipe sets up Apache as the web front end by default. This recipe also does a number of searches to dynamically build the hostgroups to monitor, hosts that belong to them and admins to notify of events/alerts.

Searches are confined to the node's chef_environment unless multi-environment monitoring is enabled.

The recipe does the following:

  1. Searches for users in 'users' databag belonging to a 'sysadmin' group, and authorizes them to access the Nagios web UI and also to receive notification e-mails.
  2. Searches all available roles/environments and builds a list which will become the Nagios hostgroups.
  3. Places nodes in Nagios hostgroups by role / environment membership.
  4. Installs various packages required for the server.
  5. Sets up configuration directories.
  6. Moves the package-installed Nagios configuration to a 'dist' directory.
  7. Disables the 000-default VirtualHost present on Debian/Ubuntu Apache2 package installations.
  8. Templates configuration files for services, contacts, contact groups, templates, hostgroups and hosts.
  9. Enables the Nagios web UI.
  10. Starts the Nagios server service


Installs the Nagios server from packages. Default for Debian / Ubuntu systems.


Installs the Nagios server from source. Default for Red Hat based systems as native packages for Nagios are not available in the default repositories.


Installs pagerduty plugin for nagios. If you only have a single pagerduty key, you can simply set a node['nagios']['pagerduty_key'] attribute on your server. For multiple pagerduty key configuration see Pager Duty under Data Bags.

This recipe was written based on the Nagios Integration Guide from PagerDuty which explains how to get an API key for your Nagios server.

Data Bags

See Wiki for more databag information

Pager Duty

You can define pagerduty contacts and keys by creating nagios_pagerduty data bags that contain the contact and the relevant key. Setting admin_contactgroup to "true" will add this pagerduty contact to the admin contact group created by this cookbook.

  "id": "pagerduty_critical",
  "admin_contactgroup": "true",
  "key": "a33e5ef0ac96772fbd771ddcccd3ccd0"

You can add these contacts to any contactgroups you create.

Monitoring Role

Create a role to use for the monitoring server. The role name should match the value of the attribute "node['nrpe']['server_role']" on your clients. By default, this is 'monitoring'. For example:

# roles/monitoring.rb
name 'monitoring'
description 'Monitoring server'

  'nagios' => {
    'server_auth_method' => 'htauth'
knife role from file monitoring.rb


server setup

Create a role named 'monitoring', and add the nagios server recipe to the run_list. See --Monitoring Role-- above for an example.

Apply the nrpe cookbook to nodes in order to install the NRPE client

By default the Nagios server will only monitor systems in its same environment. To change this set the multi_environment_monitoring attribute. See --Attributes--

Create data bag items in the users data bag for each administer you would like to be able to login to the Nagios server UI. Pay special attention to the method you would like to use to authorization users (openid or htauth). See --Users-- and --Atttributes--

At this point you now have a minimally functional Nagios server, however the server will lack any service checks outside of the single Nagios Server health check.

defining checks

NRPE commands are defined in recipes using the nrpe_check LWRP provider in the nrpe cookbooks. For base system monitoring such as load, ssh, memory, etc you may want to create a cookbook in your environment that defines each monitoring command via the LWRP.

With NRPE commands created using the LWRP you will need to define Nagios services to use those commands. These services are defined using the nagios_services data bag and applied to roles and/or environments. See --Services--

enabling notifications

You need to set default['nagios']['notifications_enabled'] = 1 attribute on your Nagios server to enable email notifications.

For email notifications to work an appropriate mail program package and local MTA need to be installed so that /usr/bin/mail or /bin/mail is available on the system.


Include postfix cookbook to be installed on your Nagios server node.

Add override_attributes to your monitoring role:

# roles/monitoring.rb
name 'monitoring'
description 'Monitoring Server'

  'nagios' => { 'notifications_enabled' => '1' },
  'postfix' => { 'myhostname':'your_hostname', 'mydomain':'example.com' }

  'nagios' => { 'server_auth_method' => 'htauth' }
knife role from file monitoring.rb


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