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adaR <img src="man/figures/logo.png" align="right" height="139" alt="" />

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R-CMD-check CRAN
status CRAN
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coverage ada-url

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adaR is a wrapper for ada-url, a WHATWG-compliant and fast URL parser written in modern C++ .

It implements several auxilliary functions to work with urls:

More general information on URL parsing can be found in the introductory vignette via vignette("adaR").

adaR is part of a series of R packages to analyse webtracking data:


You can install the development version of adaR from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

The version on CRAN can be installed with



This is a basic example which shows all the returned components of a URL.

#>                                                      href protocol username   password
#> 1 https://user_1:password_1@example.org:8080/api?q=1#frag   https:   user_1 password_1
#>               host    hostname port pathname search  hash
#> 1 example.org:8080 example.org 8080     /api   ?q=1 #frag
   * https://user:pass@example.com:1234/foo/bar?baz#quux
   *       |     |    |          | ^^^^|       |   |
   *       |     |    |          | |   |       |   `----- hash_start
   *       |     |    |          | |   |       `--------- search_start
   *       |     |    |          | |   `----------------- pathname_start
   *       |     |    |          | `--------------------- port
   *       |     |    |          `----------------------- host_end
   *       |     |    `---------------------------------- host_start
   *       |     `--------------------------------------- username_end
   *       `--------------------------------------------- protocol_end

It solves some problems of urltools with more complex urls.

#>   scheme                            domain port
#> 1  https 40.7519848,-74.0015045,14.\n   7z <NA>
#>                                                                                 path
#> 1 data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x89c259ae15b2adcb:0x7955420634fd7eba!8m2!3d40.750568!4d-73.993519
#>   parameter fragment
#> 1      <NA>     <NA>
#>                                                                                                                                                                         href
#> 1 https://www.google.com/maps/place/Pennsylvania+Station/@40.7519848,-74.0015045,14.7z/data=!4m   5!3m4!1s0x89c259ae15b2adcb:0x7955420634fd7eba!8m2!3d40.750568!4d-73.993519
#>   protocol username password           host       hostname port
#> 1   https:                   www.google.com www.google.com     
#>                                                                                                                                               pathname
#> 1 /maps/place/Pennsylvania+Station/@40.7519848,-74.0015045,14.7z/data=!4m   5!3m4!1s0x89c259ae15b2adcb:0x7955420634fd7eba!8m2!3d40.750568!4d-73.993519
#>   search hash
#> 1

A “raw” url parse using ada is extremely fast (see ada-url.com) but for this to carry over to R is tricky. The performance is still compatible with urltools::url_parse with the noted advantage in accuracy in some practical circumstances.

    ada = ada_url_parse("https://user_1:password_1@example.org:8080/dir/../api?q=1#frag", decode = FALSE),
    urltools = urltools::url_parse("https://user_1:password_1@example.org:8080/dir/../api?q=1#frag"),
    iterations = 1, check = FALSE
#> # A tibble: 2 × 6
#>   expression      min   median `itr/sec` mem_alloc `gc/sec`
#>   <bch:expr> <bch:tm> <bch:tm>     <dbl> <bch:byt>    <dbl>
#> 1 ada          3.32ms   3.32ms      301.        0B        0
#> 2 urltools   566.68µs 566.68µs     1765.        0B        0

For further benchmark results, see benchmark.md in data_raw.

There are four more groups of functions available to work with url parsing:

Public Suffix extraction

public_suffix() extracts their top level domain from the public suffix list, excluding private domains.

urls <- c(
#> [1] "co.uk"                            "gov.uk"                          
#> [3] "butthisispartoftheps.kawasaki.jp"

If you are wondering about the last url. The list also contains wildcard suffixes such as *.kawasaki.jp which need to be matched.


The logo is created from this portrait of Ada Lovelace, a very early pioneer in Computer Science.