Simplified UI for showing honeypot alarms for the DTAG early warning system (
Based on
- Bootstrap
- Grails 2.5.5
- great SBADMIN-2 Theme !
- Spring Security Code
- UlLink Slack client code (
- collect alarms from your local honeypot installations
- review current alarms
- forward alarms to DTAG early warning system
- use role / security functions from Spring security Login username / password combination is (me/password)
see history.txt and todo.txt for details
Configfile (/etc/
- useTwitter=no
- twitterOAuthConsumerKey=X
- twitterOAuthConsumerSecret=A
- twitterOAuthAccessToken=Y
- twitterOAuthAccessTokenSecret=Y
- useSicherheitstacho=no
- userNameTSecRadar=community-01-user
- passwordTSecRadar=foth{a5maiCee8fineu7
- serverTSecRadar=
- usePushover=no
- pushOverAppToken=111
- pushOverDeviceID=222
- pushOverUserToken=333
- useSlack
- slackIncomingWebHooks
Note: If you use e.g. an nginx server in front of the grails application, please make sure, that the remote address is passed through
location / { proxy_pass http://localhost:8080; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr; }
Thanks to
- Andrea De Pasquale for test/debug help (Telegram)
- Marco Ochse for Debugging
- Andre Vorbach for some ideas
- Rainer Schmidt for some suggestions
Some code examples taken from