

Welcome to the koalixcrm

Why koalixcrm

<table><tr><th>Values:</th><th>Features:</th></tr> <tr><td><ul> <li><b>Free and open</b></li> <li>REST interface to many entities </li> <li>Open source </li> <li>BSD license </li> <li>Simple and beautiful user interface </li> <li>High quality output documents </li> <li>Small business <10 employees with access </li> <li>Cloud hosted, Self-hosted, Not hosted (single-user, offline)</li></ul></td> <td><ul> <li> Manage Contacts, Leads, Persons</li> <li> Manage Products and Prices</li> <li> Manage Documents such as Invoices, Quotes, Purchase Orders, ...</li> <li> Manage Projects, Tasks, Work (Traditional project management)</li> <li> Manage Document Tempaltes</li> <li>Double Entry Accounting</li> <li> Create Project Reports</li> <li> Adjust Access Rights </li></ul></td> </tr></table>

Quality badges on master

Project build:Codacy results:Docker:Social Networks:
Django CICodacy Badge </br> Codacy BadgeDocker Automated build <br/> Docker Stars Docker PullsGitter chat


You can find the documentation of koalixcrm here: doc


Some information about the installation of koalixcrm: installation

Development environment setup

To set up the development environment for KoalixCRM, you can use Docker with the following commands:

docker-compose pull docker-compose up

To run the application, use:

docker compose run --service-ports web python manage.py runserver --settings=projectsettings.settings.development_docker_sqlite_settings.py

Release Process

Information about the release process: Release Process

Update from version 1.12 to 1.14

Some information about the update procedure from Version 1.12 to Version 1.14: update