


ScalikeJDBC Extension: Non-blocking APIs in the JDBC way

ScalikeJDBC-Async provides non-blocking APIs to talk with PostgreSQL and MySQL in the JDBC way.

This library is built with jasync-sql.

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ScalikeJDBC is a tidy SQL-based DB access library for Scala developers. This library naturally wraps JDBC APIs and provides you easy-to-use APIs.

Important Notice

ScalikeJDBC-Async is still in the beta stage. If you don't have motivation to investigate or fix issues by yourself, we recommend you waiting until stable version release someday.

Supported RDBMS


Add scalikejdbc-async to your dependencies.

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "org.scalikejdbc"       %% "scalikejdbc-async" % "0.19.+",
  "com.github.jasync-sql" %  "jasync-postgresql" % "2.2.+", // Add this if you go with PostgreSQL
  "com.github.jasync-sql" %  "jasync-mysql"      % "2.2.+", // Add this if you go with MySQL / MariaDB
  "org.slf4j"             %  "slf4j-simple"      % "1.7.+" // Add you preferred slf4j implementation


import scalikejdbc._, async._
import scala.concurrent._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global

// set up connection pool (that's all you need to do)
AsyncConnectionPool.singleton("jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/scalikejdbc", "sa", "sa")

// create a new record within a transaction
val created: Future[Company] = AsyncDB.localTx { implicit tx =>
  for {
    company <- Company.create("ScalikeJDBC, Inc.", Some("https://scalikejdbc.org/"))
    seratch <- Programmer.create("seratch", Some(company.id))
    gakuzzzz <- Programmer.create("gakuzzzz", Some(company.id))
    xuwei_k <- Programmer.create("xuwei-k", Some(company.id))
  } yield company

Await.result(created, 5.seconds)

created.foreach { (newCompany: Company) =>

  // delete a record and rollback
  val withinTx: Future[Unit] = AsyncDB.localTx { implicit tx =>
    for {
      restructuring <- Programmer.findAllBy(sqls.eq(p.companyId, newCompany.id)).map { 
        programmers => programmers.foreach(_.destroy()) 
      dissolution <- newCompany.destroy()
      failure <- sql"Just joking!".update.future
    } yield ()

  try Await.result(withinTx, 5.seconds)
  catch { case e: Exception => log.debug(e.getMessage, e) }

  // rollback expected
  val company = AsyncDB.withPool { implicit s =>
  Await.result(company, 5.seconds)
  val found: Option[Company]= company.value.get.get
  found.isDefined should be(true)

Transactional queries should be executed in series. You cannot use Future.traverse or Future.sequence.


Is it production-ready?

ScalikeJDBC-Async and jasync-sql basically works fine. However, to be honest, ScalikeJBDC-Async doesn't have much of a record of production applications.

Is it possible to combine scalikejdbc-async with normal scalikejdbc?

Yes, it's possible. See this example.

Why isn't it a part of scalikejdbc project now?

This library is still in alpha stage. If this library becomes stable enough, it will be merged into the ScalikeJDBC project.

How to contribute?

Before sending pull requests, please install docker and run sbt +test


Published binary files have the following copyright:

Copyright scalikejdbc.org

Apache License, Version 2.0
