



The plugin is no longer supported from @Scaleflex please check the new uploader (Filerobot Media Asset Widget) that has many more features for filerobot.

Repository includes React version and JS wrapper for standalone usage

Free plan License Scaleflex team

<p align="center"> <img height="175" alt="The Lounge" src="https://scaleflex.airstore.io/filerobot/robot-filerobot.png?sanitize=true"> </p> <h1 align="center"> Filerobot Uploader </h1> <p align="center"> <strong> <a href="#table_of_contents">Docs</a> • <a href="https://scaleflex.github.io/filerobot-uploader/" target="_blank">Demo</a> • <a href="https://codesandbox.io/s/k29w0m48r" target="_blank">CodeSandbox</a> </strong> </p>

The Filerobot Uploader is a multi-function Uploader that will make uploads super easy on your web and mobile applications. With few lines of code, you will get a state of the art Uploader and enable your users to upload media, files and any assets via Filerobot's reverse CDN. Files are stored into scalable and flexible Cloud storage, optimized and delivered over CDN to your end users rocket fast. Features include inline image editing, auto-tagging, auto-cropping and many more.

<p align="center"> <a href="https://scaleflex.github.io/filerobot-uploader/" target="_blank"> <img width="800" alt="The Lounge" src="https://scaleflex.airstore.io/filerobot/assets/filerobot-uploader.png?sanitize=true"> </a> </p> <p align="center"><a href="https://scaleflex.github.io/filerobot-uploader/" target="_blank">Demo</a></p>

<a name="table_of_contents"></a>Table of contents

<a name="standalone_usage"></a>Standalone usage

<a name="installation"></a>Installation

Use latest CDNized plugin version

<script src="https://cdn.scaleflex.it/plugins/filerobot-uploader/2.15.20/filerobot-uploader.min.js"></script>

<a name="quick_start"></a>Quick start

To use the Filerobot Uploader in your application, you need to first create a free Filerobot account <a href="https://www.filerobot.com/en/register_page">here</a>. Once registered, you will obtain your container name and filerobotUploadKey to configure the Uploader in your application:

  let config = {
    container: 'example',
    filerobotUploadKey: '0cbe9ccc4f164bf8be26bd801d53b132'
  let onUpload = (files) => {
     console.log('files: ', files);
     alert('Files uploaded successfully! check the console to see the uploaded files');
  let uploader = FilerobotUploader.init(config, onUpload);


<a href="https://codesandbox.io/s/k29w0m48r"><img src="https://codesandbox.io/static/img/play-codesandbox.svg" alt="edeit on codesandbox"/></a>

<a name="methods"></a>Methods

window.FilerobotUploader.init(config: {}, uploadHandler: callback): function

Initialization of Filerobot Uploader plugin.

uploadHandler(files: file[], info: {}): function

Function to handle uploaded files.

example response:

  "uuid": "a955877f-c79d-5b7c-8f70-18e7a2950000",
  "name": "Screen Shot 2019-02-28 at 10.03.43 PM.png",
  "type": "image/png",
  "size": 102069,
  "sha1": "a91c1e7aea6aed05a22b42bc3f46326820e4275e",
  "meta": { "img_type": "PNG", "img_h": 320, "img_w": 816 },
  "url_permalink": "https://scaleflex-tests-v5a.api.airstore.io/v1/get/_/a955877f-c79d-5b7c-8f70-18e7a2950000/Screen Shot 2019-02-28 at 10.03.43 PM.png",
  "url_public": "https://scaleflex-tests-v5a.airstore.io/demo_filerobot_en/Screen Shot 2019-02-28 at 10.03.43 PM.png",
  "properties": {
    "description": "",
    "tags": ["Text", "Blue", "Font", "White", "Logo", "Azure", "Line", "Product", "Aqua", "Brand"],
    "lang": "en",
    "search": " Text Blue Font White Logo Azure Line Product Aqua Brand"
  "overwrite": false

window.FilerobotUploader.open(tab : string, options: {}): function

Open uploader modal.

window.FilerobotUploader.close(): function

Close uploader modal.

window.FilerobotUploader.unmount(): function

Destroy uploader

<a name="react_component"></a>React component usage

<a name="installation_react"></a>Installation

$ npm install --save filerobot-uploader

<a name="quick_start_react"></a>Quick start

We provide easy way to integrate image uploader in your applications

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import FilerobotUploader from 'filerobot-uploader';

const config = {
  uploadParams: { dir:"/demo_filerobot_en" },
  filerobotUploadKey: '7cc1f659309c480cbc8a608dc6ba5f03',
  container: 'scaleflex-tests-v5a'

class App extends Component {
  constructor() {

    this.state = {
      isShow: false

  render() {
    return (
        <h1>React Example</h1>
        <button onClick={() => { this.setState({ isShow: true }); }}>Click</button>
          onClose={() => { this.setState({ isShow: false }); }}
          onUpload={(img) => { console.log(img); }}

render(<App/>, document.getElementById('app'));

<a href="https://codesandbox.io/s/x9x94lyr54"><img src="https://codesandbox.io/static/img/play-codesandbox.svg" alt="edeit on codesandbox"/></a>

<a name="methods_react"></a>Methods/Properties

opened: bool (required)

default: false

Trigger to display the uploader widget.

initialTab: string (optional)

default: 'UPLOAD'

Allow to choose the initial tab. Should be one of enabled modules.

config: object (required)

Uploader config.

options: object (optional)

onClose(): function (required)

Close uploader widget.

onUpload(files: file[], info: {}): function (required)

Function to handle uploaded files.

example response:

  "uuid": "a955877f-c79d-5b7c-8f70-18e7a2950000",
  "name": "Screen Shot 2019-02-28 at 10.03.43 PM.png",
  "type": "image/png",
  "size": 102069,
  "sha1": "a91c1e7aea6aed05a22b42bc3f46326820e4275e",
  "meta": { "img_type": "PNG", "img_h": 320, "img_w": 816 },
  "url_permalink": "https://scaleflex-tests-v5a.api.airstore.io/v1/get/_/a955877f-c79d-5b7c-8f70-18e7a2950000/Screen Shot 2019-02-28 at 10.03.43 PM.png",
  "url_public": "https://scaleflex-tests-v5a.airstore.io/demo_filerobot_en/Screen Shot 2019-02-28 at 10.03.43 PM.png",
  "properties": {
    "description": "",
    "tags": ["Text", "Blue", "Font", "White", "Logo", "Azure", "Line", "Product", "Aqua", "Brand"],
    "lang": "en",
    "search": " Text Blue Font White Logo Azure Line Product Aqua Brand"
  "overwrite": false

<a name="configuration"></a>Configuration

container: string (required)

Filerobot Container name.

config.container = 'example';

filerobotUploadKey: string (required)

Unique upload key for Filerobot.

config.filerobotUploadKey = 'xxxxxxxxxxxx';

openpixKey: string (required)

Key for Openpix. Required if you are using "ICONS_GALLERY", "IMAGES_GALLERY"

config.openpixKey = 'xxxxxxxxxxxx';

language: string

default: 'en'

Language of uploader

available languages: en, fr, de, ru

config.language = 'en';

modules: string[]


Modules (tabs) in file uploader modal.


config.modules = ['UPLOAD', 'ICONS_GALLERY', 'TAGGING'];

uploadParams: object

see documentation

config.uploadParams = {
    dir: '/folder_name',

initialTab: string

default: 'UPLOAD'

Allow to choose the initial tab. Should be one of enabled modules.

config.initialTab = 'UPLOAD';

preUploadImageProcess: bool

default: false

Activates Pre-upload process module which allows to transform images before uploading them to a server. Available operations: "smart crop", "face detection", "resize"

config.preUploadImageProcess = true;

processBeforeUpload: object

default: null

Auto pre-upload process which allows to transform images before uploading them to a server. Available operations: "resize"

config.processBeforeUpload = {
    operation: 'resize',
    widthLimit: 2000,
    heightLimit: 2000

folderBrowser: object

default: { show: true, rootFolder: '/' }

Aside menu to browse folders in your container.

config.folderBrowser = {
    show: true,
    rootFolder: '/'

sortParams: object

default: { show: true, field: 'name', order: 'asc' }

Default sorting for my gallery tab

config.sortParams = {
    show: true,
    field: 'name',
    order: 'asc'

myGallery: object

config.myGallery = {
    upload: true

tagging: object

config.tagging = {
    executeAfterUpload: true,
    autoTaggingButton: true,
    provider: 'google',
    confidence: 60,
    limit: 10,
    key: 'xxxxx',
    customFields: [
        name: 'Test name 1',
        metaKey: 'test_key',
        type: 'text'
        name: 'Test name 2',
        metaKey: 'test_key_2',
        type: 'textarea'
    suggestionList: ['Color', 'Colored', 'Cobalt', 'Coral', 'Cobre']

extensions: array

default: [ ]

Allows to limit files according to the extension on upload. Extension jpg = jpeg and vice versa.

config.extensions = ['jpg', 'png', 'pdf'];

modifyURLButton: bool

default: true

Activate "Modify URL" button.

config.modifyURLButton = true;

deleteButton: bool

default: true

Display/hide delete button on gallery tab.

config.deleteButton = true;

colorScheme: object

let config = {

    colorScheme: {
       active: 'custom',

       custom: {
         mainBackground: '#f5f5f5',
         navBackground: '#181830',
         buttonBackground: '#00707C',
         hoverButtonBackground: '#096868',
         inputBackground: '#fff',
         inputOutlineColor: '#4d90fe',
         activeTabBackground: '#40545b',
         text: '#5d636b',
         title: '#1e262c',
         inputTextColor: '#555555',
         tabTextColor: '#c0c1c1',
         activeTabTextColor: '#fff',
         buttonTextColor: '#fff',
         border: '#d8d8d8'

imageEditorConfig: object

Filerobot Image Editor Configuration. https://github.com/scaleflex/filerobot-image-editor#table-of-contents

<a name="full_example"></a>Full features config example

  let config = {
    uploadParams: {
      dir: '/your_root_folder'
    filerobotUploadKey: '0cbe9ccc4f164bf8be26bd801d53b132',
    container: 'example',
    openpixKey: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
    initialTab: 'UPLOAD',
    folderBrowser: true,
    tagging: {
      executeAfterUpload: true,
      autoTaggingButton: true,
      provider: 'google',
      confidence: 60,
      limit: 10,
      key: 'aaaa'
    language: 'en',

    colorScheme: {
      active: 'custom',
      custom: {
        mainBackground: '#f5f5f5',
        navBackground: '#181830',
        buttonBackground: '#00707C',
        hoverButtonBackground: '#096868',
        inputBackground: '#fff',
        inputOutlineColor: '#4d90fe',
        activeTabBackground: '#40545b',
        text: '#5d636b',
        title: '#1e262c',
        inputTextColor: '#555555',
        tabTextColor: '#c0c1c1',
        activeTabTextColor: '#fff',
        buttonTextColor: '#fff',
        border: '#d8d8d8'
  let onUpload = (files) => {
    console.log('files: ', files);
    alert('Files uploaded successfully! check the console to see the uploaded files');
  let uploader = FilerobotUploader.init(config, onUpload);
  let button = document.createElement('button');

  button.onclick = () => { uploader.open(); }
  button.innerText = 'Open Uploader';

<a name="ui_family"></a>Filerobot UI Familiy

<a name="contributing"></a>Contributing!

All contributions are super welcome!

<a name="license"></a>License

Filerobot Uploader is provided under the MIT License