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ScaleCube is a library that simplifies the development of reactive and distributed applications by providing an embeddable microservices library. It connects distributed microservices in a way that resembles a fabric when viewed collectively. It greatly simplifies and streamlines asynchronous programming and provides a tool-set for managing microservices architecture. ScaleCube is built based on ScaleCube Cluster, which provides a built-in service discovery. The discovery uses SWIM protocol and gossip that scales better and has inherent failure detection and superior coherent understanding of the cluster state and cluster membership taking part in a swarm of services. ScaleCube cluster is a membership protocol that maintains membership amongst processes in a distributed system

<table text-align="top"> <tr> <td> An open-source project that is focused on streamlining reactive-programming of Microservices Reactive-systems that scale, built by developers for developers.<br><br> ScaleCube Services provides a low latency Reactive Microservices library for peer-to-peer service registry and discovery based on gossip protocol, without single point-of-failure or bottlenecks.<br><br> Scalecube more gracefully address the cross cutting concernes of distributed microservices architecture. <br><br> </td> <td> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1706296/43058327-b4a0147e-8e4f-11e8-9999-68c4ec99632e.gif"> </td> </tr> </table> ScaleCube Services Features:

User Guide:

Basic Usage:

The example provisions 2 cluster nodes and making a remote interaction.

  1. seed is a member node and provision no services of its own.
  2. then microservices variable is a member that joins seed member and provision GreetingService instance.
  3. finally from seed node - create a proxy by the GreetingService api and send a greeting request.
// service definition
public interface GreetingsService {
	  Mono<Greeting> sayHello(String name);
// service implementation
public class GreetingServiceImpl implements GreetingsService {
 public Mono<Greeting> sayHello(String name) {
   return Mono.just(new Greeting("Nice to meet you " + name + " and welcome to ScaleCube"));

//1. ScaleCube Node node with no members (container 1)
Microservices seed = Microservices.builder()
  .discovery("seed", ScalecubeServiceDiscovery::new)

// get the address of the seed member - will be used to join any other members to the cluster.
final Address seedAddress = seed.discovery("seed").address();

//2. Construct a ScaleCube node which joins the cluster hosting the Greeting Service (container 2)
Microservices serviceNode = Microservices.builder()
  .discovery("seed", ep -> new ScalecubeServiceDiscovery(ep)
		.membership(cfg -> cfg.seedMembers(seedAddress)))
	.services(new GreetingServiceImpl())

//3. Create service proxy (can be created from any node or container in the cluster)
//   and Execute the service and subscribe to incoming service events
  .sayHello("joe").subscribe(consumer -> {

// await all instances to shutdown.
Mono.whenDelayError(seed.shutdown(), serviceNode.shutdown()).block();

Basic Service Example:

A service is nothing but an interface declaring what methods we wish to provision at our cluster.

public interface ExampleService {

  Mono<String> sayHello(String request);

  Flux<MyResponse> helloStream();

  Flux<MyResponse> helloBidirectional(Flux<MyRequest> requests);


Available api-gateways are rsocket, http and websocket

Basic API-Gateway example:

        .discovery(options -> options.seeds(seed.discoveryAddress()))
        .services(...) // OPTIONAL: services (if any) as part of this node.

        // configure list of gateways plugins exposing the apis
        .gateway(options -> new WebsocketGateway(options.id("ws").port(8080)))
        .gateway(options -> new HttpGateway(options.id("http").port(7070)))
        .gateway(options -> new RSocketGateway(options.id("rsws").port(9090)))


        // HINT: you can try connect using the api sandbox to these ports to try the api.
        // https://scalecube.github.io/api-sandbox/app/index.html


With scalecube-services you may plug-and-play alternative providers for Transport,Codecs and discovery. Scalecube is using ServiceLoader to load providers from class path,

You can think about scalecube as slf4j for microservices - Currently supported SPIs:

Transport providers:

Message codec providers:

Service discovery providers:

Binaries and dependency information for Maven can be found at http://search.maven.org.


To add a dependency on ScaleCube Services using Maven, use the following:

Maven Central


 <!-- -------------------------------------------
   scalecube core and api:
 ------------------------------------------- -->

 <!-- scalecube apis   -->

 <!-- scalecube services module   -->


     Plugins / SPIs: bellow a list of providers you may choose from. to constract your own configuration:
     you are welcome to build/contribute your own plugins please consider the existing ones as example.


 <!-- scalecube transport providers:  -->

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