

LLM Engine

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🚀 The open source engine for fine-tuning and serving large language models. 🚀

Scale's LLM Engine is the easiest way to customize and serve LLMs. In LLM Engine, models can be accessed via Scale's hosted version or by using the Helm charts in this repository to run model inference and fine-tuning in your own infrastructure.

💻 Quick Install

pip install scale-llm-engine

🤔 About

Foundation models are emerging as the building blocks of AI. However, deploying these models to the cloud and fine-tuning them are expensive operations that require infrastructure and ML expertise. It is also difficult to maintain over time as new models are released and new techniques for both inference and fine-tuning are made available.

LLM Engine is a Python library, CLI, and Helm chart that provides everything you need to serve and fine-tune foundation models, whether you use Scale's hosted infrastructure or do it in your own cloud infrastructure using Kubernetes.

Key Features

🎁 Ready-to-use APIs for your favorite models: Deploy and serve open-source foundation models — including LLaMA, MPT and Falcon. Use Scale-hosted models or deploy to your own infrastructure.

🔧 Fine-tune foundation models: Fine-tune open-source foundation models on your own data for optimized performance.

🎙️ Optimized Inference: LLM Engine provides inference APIs for streaming responses and dynamically batching inputs for higher throughput and lower latency.

🤗 Open-Source Integrations: Deploy any Hugging Face model with a single command.

Features Coming Soon

🐳 K8s Installation Documentation: We are working hard to document installation and maintenance of inference and fine-tuning functionality on your own infrastructure. For now, our documentation covers using our client libraries to access Scale's hosted infrastructure.

Fast Cold-Start Times: To prevent GPUs from idling, LLM Engine automatically scales your model to zero when it's not in use and scales up within seconds, even for large foundation models.

💸 Cost Optimization: Deploy AI models cheaper than commercial ones, including cold-start and warm-down times.

🚀 Quick Start

Navigate to Scale Spellbook to first create an account, and then grab your API key on the Settings page. Set this API key as the SCALE_API_KEY environment variable by adding the following line to your .zshrc or .bash_profile:

export SCALE_API_KEY="[Your API key]"

If you run into an "Invalid API Key" error, you may need to run the . ~/.zshrc command to re-read your updated .zshrc.

With your API key set, you can now send LLM Engine requests using the Python client. Try out this starter code:

from llmengine import Completion

response = Completion.create(
    prompt="I'm opening a pancake restaurant that specializes in unique pancake shapes, colors, and flavors. List 3 quirky names I could name my restaurant.",


You should see a successful completion of your given prompt!

What's next? Visit the LLM Engine documentation pages for more on the Completion and FineTune APIs and how to use them. Check out this blog post for an end-to-end example.