scala-jsonapi is a Scala library that aims to help you produce JSON output based on the JSON API specification easily and painlessly. The library is compatible with Scala version 2.11
. It supports read and write for the following backends:
In addition, scala-jsonapi provides out-of-the-box (un)marshallers for:
- Spray and Play
- Akka Http
Current Status
This library is very much a work in progress, so expect its API to change.
To use scala-jsonapi, first add a library dependency—assuming that you have sonatype resolvers set up.
libraryDependencies += "org.zalando" %% "scala-jsonapi" % "0.6.2"
You also have to provide the used backend (e.g. spray-json).
The rich JSON API model is available via the following import:
import org.zalando.jsonapi.model._
The library provides serialization and deserialization of JSON API root objects to JSON using either Spray-JSON or Play-JSON. Please note that you need to explicitly add a dependency to either spray-json or play-json to your project.
import org.zalando.jsonapi.json.sprayjson.SprayJsonJsonapiProtocol._
import spray.json._
// Serialization
val rootObject: RootObject = ???
// Deserialization
val json: JsValue = ???
Along with adding the scala-jsonapi library dependency, also include spray-httpx for marshalling support
libraryDependencies += "io.spray" %% "spray-httpx" % "1.3.3"
The JSON API support can then be imported using PlayJsonJsonapiSupport
as follows
import org.zalando.jsonapi.json.playjson.PlayJsonJsonapiSupport._
import play.api.libs.json._
// Serialization
val rootObject: RootObject = ???
// Deserialization
val json: JsValue = ???
Creating a JSON API Root Object
scala-jsonapi provides type class JsonapiRootObjectWriter
so that you can create a JSON API representation for your resources. The following code snippet demonstrates its usage:
import org.zalando.jsonapi
import jsonapi.Jsonapi
case class Person(name: String)
implicit val personJsonapiWriter = new JsonapiRootObjectWriter[Person] {
override def toJsonapi(person: Person) = {
val personRootObject: RootObject = Jsonapi.asJsonapi(Person("Boris M."))
In contrast there is a type class called JsonapiRootObjectReader
that supports conversion from JSON API representation to your resources. To illustrate:
import org.zalando.jsonapi
import jsonapi.Jsonapi
case class Person(name: String)
implicit val personJsonapiReader = new JsonapiRootObjectReader[Person] {
override def fromJsonapi(rootObject: RootObject) = {
val person: Person = Jsonapi.fromJsonapi[Person](RootObject(...))
For complete usage, see the specs example.
JSON API Links Support
There is support for string and object links.
To create a string "self" link:
Links.self("href", None)
To create an object "self" link:
Links.self("href", Some(meta))
Publishing and Releasing
Publishing and releasing is made with help of the sbt-sonatype plugin.
scala-jsonapi is licensed under the MIT license unless otherwise stated in the license files in higher directories (if any).