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Allows mocha to be used from within sbt via the use of sbt-web. You can therefore run your JS tests using SBT conventions either in-JVM (eg Trireme), or on (Node).

To use this plugin use the addSbtPlugin command within your project's plugins.sbt (or as a global setting) i.e.:

addSbtPlugin("com.github.sbt" % "sbt-mocha" % "2.0.0")

Then declare the settings required in your build file:

lazy val root = (project in file(".")).enablePlugins(SbtWeb)

By default, any tests matching either *Test.js or *Spec.js are tested. This can be overridden by defining a different includes, for example:

TestAssets / WebKeys.jsFilter := GlobFilter("Test*.js")

Tests are read from src/test/assets and src/test/public. For example, you can create src/test/assets/FooSpec:

var assert = require("assert");
describe("Foo", function() {
  it("say hello", function() {
    var foo = require("./Foo");
    assert.equal(foo.hello("world"), "hello world");

All assets are copied to a working directory, which means any test or main assets may be imported via relative paths from that working directory.

Any node WebJars are made available as normal node modules via the require method, and all other WebJars are installed in the lib directory under the WebJars name.

The following options are supported: