

This project is archived now. It was amazing to learn and share about various technical tools through 67 episodes from episode 1 on 1 June 2012 to episode 67 on 9 April 2016. Catch the archived videos on YouTube.

Build Podcast Dependency Status Dependency Travis CI

Build Podcast is a screencast about technology tools :nut_and_bolt: :electric_plug: :battery: :abcd: :computer: for design and development. Each episode, Sayanee will be creating a screencast that will take you through step-by-step in using one tool to build a little project, all in the fun spirit of hacking, creating and building stuff!

Related links: Main website, Twitter, RSS Feed, Youtube, Vimeo, iTunes

Quick start

  1. install dependencies
$ bundle install && npm install


For website

  1. Install various packages:
$ bundle install # for jekyll
$ gem install vimeo tempfile json thor launchy # for vimeo script
$ npm install # for assets and automation scripts
$ brew install ffmpeg sox # for post-processing video and audio

For tmuxinator

  1. link tmux script bp.yml for starting up
$ ln -s /Users/{username}/Workspace/path/to/folder/bp.yml /Users/{username}/.tmuxinator/bp.yml # create a symlink
$ tmuxinator bp

For recording screencast and post-processing

  1. create episode.json in one up level of hierarchy
$ cp automation/episode.sample.json ../episode.json
# edit file episode.json accordingly

Setup dev.build-podcast in local

This is to display the introduction page at the start of each screencast.

  1. edit /etc/hosts
... dev.build-podcast.com


This Github repository consists of sample code for each episode and the entire website for Build Podcast.

When preparing the show notes in local machine, execute the following in the command line in git branch master:

If there's and error for invalid byte sequence in US-ASCII, try to reset the locale settings


For quickly firing up all the above commands, use tmux:

tmuxinator bp


Automation with scripts:

  1. Start a new episode: bp new
  2. Open an existing episode: bp open
  3. Record aa new episode: bp record
  4. Publish a new episode: bp pub


All content belongs to YOU under CC0 1.0 Public Domain Dedication. You can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.


:sparkles: I buy :books: :chocolate_bar: :nut_and_bolt: :electric_plug: :battery: with the donated money :sparkles:

<a href='http://www.pledgie.com/campaigns/19089'><img alt='Click here to lend your support to: Build Podcast and make a donation at www.pledgie.com !' src='http://www.pledgie.com/campaigns/19089.png?skin_name=chrome' border='0' /></a>