

VisiData v0.41

A curses interface for exploring and arranging tabular data

Usable via any remote shell which has Python3 installed.

VisiData silent demo




On the Columns sheet, these commands apply to rows (the columns of the source sheet), instead of the columns on the Columns sheet

Column typing


    $ pip3 install visidata


Remember to install the Python3 versions of these modules with e.g. pip3


    $ vd [-r/--readonly] [<input> ...]

Inputs may be paths or URLs. If no inputs are given, starts exploring the current directory. Unknown filetypes are by default viewed with a text browser.


Definitions of terms used in the help and documentation:

F1 opens the Help Sheet, which shows the available commands along with a brief description. This sheet can be searched, sorted, and filtered just like any other sheet.

Here are slightly better descriptions of some non-obvious commands:


VisiData was created by Saul Pwanson <vd@saul.pw>.

VisiData is currently under active development (as of January 2017).

VisiData needs lots of usage and testing to help it become useful and dependable. If you are actively using VisiData, please let me know! Maybe there is an easy way to improve the tool for both of us.

Also please create a GitHub issue if anything doesn't appear to be working right. If you get an unexpected error (on the status line), please include the full stack trace that you get with ^E.

Please contact me at the email address above if you would like to contribute in some other way.

Inspirations and Related Work


VisiData is licensed under GPLv3.