


Official Pytorch Implementation of Universal Photometric Stereo Network using Global Lighting Contexts (CVPR2022)

Satoshi Ikehata, "Universal Photometric Stereo Network using Global Contexts", CVPR2022
<p align="center"> <a href="https://satoshi-ikehata.github.io/cvpr2022/univps_cvpr2022.html"> <img src="webimg/top.png" width="800", alt="project site"> </a> <a href="https://satoshi-ikehata.github.io/cvpr2022/univps_cvpr2022.html"> <img src="webimg/grape_tiled.png" width="800", alt="project site"> </a> <a href="https://satoshi-ikehata.github.io/cvpr2022/univps_cvpr2022.html"> <img src="webimg/apple_tiled.png" width="800", alt="project site"> </a> </p> <!-- <p align="center"> </p> -->


Tested on:

Prepare dataset

All you need for running the universal photometric stereo network is shading images and a binary object mask. The object could be illuminated under arbitrary lighting sources but shading variations should be sufficient (weak shading variations may result in poor results).

In my implementation, all training and test data must be formatted like this:

  ├── A [Suffix:default ".data"]
  │   ├── mask.png
  │   ├── [Prefix (default:"0" (Train), "L" (Test))] imgfile1
  │   ├── [Prefix (default:"0" (Train), "L" (Test))] imgfile2
  │   └── ...
  └── B [Suffix:default ".data"]
      ├── mask.png
      ├── [Prefix (default:"0" (Train), "L" (Test))] imgfile1
      ├── [Prefix (default:"0" (Train), "L" (Test))] imgfile2
      └── ...

For more details, please see my real dataset at <a href="https://satoshi-ikehata.github.io/cvpr2022/univps_cvpr2022.html">project page</a>. You can change the configuration (e.g., prefix, suffix) at <a href="https://github.com/satoshi-ikehata/Universal-PS-CVPR2022/tree/main/source/modules/config.py">source\modules\config.py</a>.

All masks in our datasets were computed using <a href="https://github.com/saic-vul/ritm_interactive_segmentation">the software by Konstantin</a>.

Download pretrained model

Checkpoints of the network parameters (The full configuration in the paper) are available at <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/sh/pphprxqbayoljpn/AADUPNcAdOWkbGwRK6xo5Wura?dl=0">here</a>

To use pretrained models, extract them as

  ├── *.pytmodel
  ├── *.optimizer
  ├── *.scheduler
  └── ...

Running the test

If you don't prepare dataset by yourself, please use some sample dataset from <a href="https://satoshi-ikehata.github.io/cvpr2022/univps_cvpr2022.html">here</a>

For running test, please run main.py as

python source/main.py --session_name session_test --mode Test --test_dir YOUR_DATA_PATH --pretrained YOUR_CHECKPOINT_PATH

Results will be put in ouput/session_name. You will find normal maps of the canonical resolution and input resolution.

Running the training

For running training, please run main.py as:

python source/main.py --session_name session_train --mode Train --training_dir YOUR_DATA_PATH

or if you want to perform both training and test, instead use this:

python source/main.py --session_name session_train_test --mode TrainAndTest --training_dir YOUR_DATA_PATH --test_dir YOUR_DATA_PATH

The default hyperparameters are described in <a href="https://github.com/satoshi-ikehata/Universal-PS-CVPR2022/tree/main/source/main.py">source/main.py</a>.

The trainind data (PS-Wild) can be download from <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/sh/4gzg2t5h5760ona/AABclGJeH36xno6rO2J1ip_Va?dl=0">here</a>.


This project is licensed under the GPL License - see the LICENSE file for details