


The Single Image Super Resolution (SISR) use case is build to compare the image quality between different SiSR solutions. A SiSR algorithm inputs one frame and outputs an image with greater resolution. These are the methods that are being compared in the use case:

  1. Fast Super-Resolution Convolutional Neural Network (FSRCNN)
  2. Local Implicit Image Function (LIIF)
  3. Multi-scale Residual Network (MSRN)
  4. Enhanced Super-Resolution Generative Adversarial Network (ESRGAN)

A use case in IQF usally involves wrapping a training within mlflow framework. In this case we estimate quality on the solutions offered by the different Dataset Modifiers which are the SISR algorithms. Similarity metrics against the Ground Truth are then compared.

To reproduce the experiments:

  1. git clone git@publicgitlab.satellogic.com:iqf/iq-sisr-use-case.git
  2. cd iq-sisr-use-case
  3. Then build the docker image with make build.(***) This will also download required datasets and weights.
  4. In order to execute the experiments:
    • make dockershell (*)
    • Inside the docker terminal execute python ./iqf-usecase.py
  5. Start the mlflow server by doing make mlflow (*)
  6. Notebook examples can be launched and executed by make notebookshell NB_PORT=[your_port]" (**)
  7. To access the notebook from your browser in your local machine you can do:
    • If the executions are launched in a server, make a tunnel from your local machine. ssh -N -f -L localhost:[your_port]:localhost:[your_port] [remote_user]@[remote_ip] Otherwise skip this step.
    • Then, in your browser, access: localhost:[your_port]/?token=sisr
