


This use case is a study of oriented object detection performance degradation when the input images are compressed. Paper availabe here.

To reproduce the experiments:

  1. git clone git@publicgitlab.satellogic.com:iqf/iq-dota-obb-use-case
  2. cd iq-dota-obb-use-case
  3. Then build the docker image with make build. This will also download the dataset and reformat it.
  4. In order to execute the experiments:
    • make dockershell (*)
    • Inside the docker terminal execute ./iqf-usecase.py the correct python is already set as shebang.
  5. Start the mlflow server by doing make mlflow (*)
  6. Notebook examples can be launched and executed by make notebookshell NB_PORT=[your_port]" (**)
  7. To access the notebook from your browser in your local machine you can do:
    • If the executions are launched in a server, make a tunnel from your local machine. ssh -N -f -L localhost:[your_port]:localhost:[your_port] [remote_user]@[remote_ip] Otherwise skip this step.
    • Then, in your browser, access: localhost:[your_port]/?token=IQF
