

Mailchimp Signup Utility

Tool that enables you to sign up people to your Mailchimp mailing list through an API or API-Like interface - useful for copying people between lists for example. If the signup is successful, the user will get a thank you notice. If it fails, they'll get an error message. If no email is provided they'll be shown a signup form.

The app uses Flask for the server, Semantic-UI for the design, and Mailchimp for the mailing list. The experimental version can be used directly with AWS Lambda to avoid running a server all the time, using flask-zappa.

Setup (traditional)

You'll need to configure the settings.py file with your Mailchimp API Key, LIST URL and your POST URL for submitting forms. Then:

sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
python app.py

Setup (AWS Lambda experimental)

You'll need to have aws set up on your computer, with ~/.aws/config and ~/.aws/credentials in place. You will also need to set up flask-zappa by hand as it is not in pip yet.

Configure your zappa_settings.json file with your bucket and project name at a minimum. Then:

flask-zappa deploy production thf_settings.json
# to update use update instead of deploy

You'll likely want CORS enabled, for that you have to go into the AWS API Endpoint console, click 'Enable CORS', then 'Deploy', select a stage, 'Deploy'. It's really confusing.