


System packages

Installing Python dependencies

This will create a new folder called unify-emotion-datasets.

Running the two scripts

First run the script that downloads all obtainable datasets:

Please read carefully the instructions, you will be asked to read and confirm having read the licenses and terms of use of each dataset. In case the dataset is not obtainable directly you will be given instructions on how to obtain the dataset.

Then run the script that unifies the downloaded datasets, which will be located in unify-emotion-datasets/datasets/:

python3 create_unified_dataset.py

This will create a new file called unified-dataset.jsonl in the same folder.

Also, we advise you to cite the papers corresponding to the datasets you use. The corresponding bibtex citations you find in the file datasets/README.md or while running download_datasets.py.


An Analysis of Annotated Corpora for Emotion Classification in Text

If you plan to use this corpus, please use this citation:

  author = {Bostan, Laura Ana Maria and Klinger, Roman},
  title = {An Analysis of Annotated Corpora for Emotion Classification in Text},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics},
  year = {2018},
  publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
  pages = {2104--2119},
  location = {Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA},
  url = {http://aclweb.org/anthology/C18-1179},
  pdf = {http://aclweb.org/anthology/C18-1179.pdf}

Experimenting with classification

If you want to reuse the code for the emotion classification task, see the script classify_xvsy_logreg.py:

python3 classify_xvsy_logreg.py --help will show you the following:

Classify using MaxEnt algorithm

    classify_xvsy_logreg.py [options] <first> <second>
    classify_xvsy_logreg.py [options] --all-vs <second>

    -j --json=<JSONFILE>  Filename of the json file [default: ../unified.jsonl]
    -a --all-vs<=dataset> Dataset name of the testing data
    -d --debug            Use a small word list and a fast classifier
    -o --output=<OUTPUT>  Output folder [default: .]
    -m --force-multi      Force using multi-label classification
    -k --keep-last        Quit immediately if results file found

For example if you want to train on TEC and test on SSEC do the following:

python3 classify_xvsy_logreg.py -d tec emoint 

The names of the dataset are the ones used in the file unified-dataset.jsonl in the field source.


Use jq for an easy interaction with the unified-dataset.jsonl

Examples of how to use it for various tasks: