

Reference for How to Write an Open Source JavaScript Library

The purpose of this document is to serve as a reference for:

How to Write an Open Source JavaScript Library course by Kent C. Dodds

Watch the series at egghead.io, if you haven't.

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Introduction to How to Write an Open Source JavaScript Library

Direct link to the video tutorial

Setting up GitHub

Direct link to the video tutorial

Configuring npm and creating a package.json

Direct link to the video tutorial

Creating the library and adding dependencies

Direct link to the video tutorial

Pushing to GitHub

Direct link to the video tutorial

Publishing to npm

Direct link to the video tutorial

Releasing a version to GitHub

Direct link to the video tutorial

Releasing a new version to npm

Direct link to the video tutorial

Publishing a beta version

Direct link to the video tutorial

Setting up Unit Testing with Mocha and Chai

Direct link to the video tutorial

Unit Testing with Mocha and Chai

Direct link to the video tutorial

Automating Releases with semantic-release

Direct link to the video tutorial

Writing conventional commits with commitizen

Direct link to the video tutorial

Committing a new feature with commitizen

Direct link to the video tutorial

Automatically Releasing with TravisCI

Direct link to the video tutorial

Automatically running tests before commits with ghooks

Direct link to the video tutorial

Adding code coverage recording with Istanbul

Direct link to the video tutorial

Adding code coverage checking

Direct link to the video tutorial

Add code coverage reporting

Direct link to the video tutorial

Adding badges to your README

Direct link to the video tutorial

Adding ES6 Support

Direct link to the video tutorial

Adding ES6 Support to Tests using Mocha and Babel

Direct link to the video tutorial

Limit Built Branches on Travis

Direct link to the video tutorial

- only
  - master

Add a browser build to an npm module

Direct link to the video tutorial