


Robust Human Motion Reconstruction via Diffusion

Project Page | Paper

RoHM is a novel diffusion-based motion model that, conditioned on noisy and occluded input data, reconstructs complete, plausible motions in consistent global coordinates. -- we decompose it into two sub-tasks and learn two models, one for global trajectory and one for local motion. To capture the correlations between the two, we then introduce a novel conditioning module, combining it with an iterative inference scheme.

<img src="images/teaser.jpg" width = 900 align=middle>


Creating a clean conda environment and install all dependencies by:

conda env create -f environment.yml

After the installation is complete, activate the conda environment by:

conda activate rohm

Data preparation


python preprocessing_amass.py --dataset_name=SUBSET_NAME --amass_root=PATH/TO/AMASS --save_root=datasets/AMASS_smplx_preprocessed


Download the following contents for PROX dataset:

├── cam2world
├── calibration
├── recordings
├── keypoints_openpose
├── mask_joint


Download the following contents for EgoBody dataset:

├── kinect_color
├── data_splits.csv
├── smplx_camera_wearer_train
├── smplx_camera_wearer_test
├── smplx_camera_wearer_val
├── smplx_interactee_train
├── smplx_interactee_test
├── smplx_interactee_val
├── calibrations
├── kinect_cam_params
├── keypoints_cleaned
├── mask_joint
├── egobody_rohm_info.csv

egobody_rohm_info.csv includes information of recordings from EgoBody that we used for evaluation of RoHM.

SMPL-X body model

Download SMPL-X body model from here. Note that the latest version is 1.1 while we use 1.0 in the implementation.

Download smplx vertices segmentation smplx_vert_segmentation.json from here.

Other data (checkpoints, results, etc.)

Download the model checkpoints from here. Download other processed/saved data from here and unzip, including:

Organize all downloaded data as below:

├── data
│   ├── body_models
│   │   ├── smplx_model
│   │   │   ├── smplx
│   ├── checkpoints
│   ├── eval_noise_smplx
│   ├── init_motions
│   ├── test_results_release
│   ├── smplx_vert_segmentation.json
├── datasets
│   ├── AMASS_smplx_preprocessed
│   ├── PROX
│   ├── EgoBody


RoHM is trained on AMASS dataset.

TrajNet Training

Train the vanilla TrajNet with a curriculum training scheme for three stages, with increasing noise ratios:

python train_trajnet.py --config=cfg_files/train_cfg/trajnet_train_vanilla_stage1.yaml 
python train_trajnet.py --config=cfg_files/train_cfg/trajnet_train_vanilla_stage2.yaml --pretrained_model_path=PATH/TO/MODEL
python train_trajnet.py --config=cfg_files/train_cfg/trajnet_train_vanilla_stage3.yaml --pretrained_model_path=PATH/TO/MODEL

For stage 2 and 3, set pretrained_model_path to the trained checkpoint from the previous stage. To obtain the reported checkpoint, we train for 800k/400k/450k steps for stage 1/2/3, respectively.

TrajNet fine-tuning with TrajControl:

python train_trajnet.py --config=cfg_files/train_cfg/trajnet_ft_trajcontrol.yaml --pretrained_backbone_path=PATH/TO/MODEL

Set pretrained_backbone_path to the pre-trained checkpoint of vanilla TrajNet, and we train for 400k to obtain the reported checkpoint.

PoseNet training

Train PoseNet with a curriculum training scheme for two stages, with increasing noise ratios:

python train_posenet.py --config=cfg_files/train_cfg/posenet_train_stage1.yaml
python train_posenet.py --config=cfg_files/train_cfg/posenet_train_stage2.yaml --pretrained_model_path=PATH/TO/MODEL

For stage 2, set pretrained_model_path to the trained checkpoint from the previous stage. To obtain the reported checkpoint, we train for 300k/200k steps for stage 1/2, respectively.

Test and evaluate on AMASS

Test on AMASS

Test on AMASS with different configurations (corresponds to Tab.1 in the paper) and save reconstructed results to test_results/results_amass_full: Note that running the given configurations with the same random seed cannot guarantee exactly the same number across different machines, however the stochasticity is quite small.

python test_amass_full.py --config=cfg_files/test_cfg/amass_occ_0.1_noise_3.yaml
python test_amass_full.py --config=cfg_files/test_cfg/amass_occ_leg_noise_3.yaml
python test_amass_full.py --config=cfg_files/test_cfg/amass_occ_leg_noise_5.yaml
python test_amass_full.py --config=cfg_files/test_cfg/amass_occ_leg_noise_7.yaml

Evaluate on AMASS

Calculate the evaluation metrics and visualize/render on reconstructed results on AMASS.

python eval_amass_full.py --config=cfg_files/eval_cfg/amass_occ_0.1_noise_3.yaml --saved_data_path=PATH/TO/TEST/RESULTS
python eval_amass_full.py --config=cfg_files/eval_cfg/amass_occ_leg_noise_3.yaml --saved_data_path=PATH/TO/TEST/RESULTS
python eval_amass_full.py --config=cfg_files/eval_cfg/amass_occ_leg_noise_5.yaml --saved_data_path=PATH/TO/TEST/RESULTS
python eval_amass_full.py --config=cfg_files/eval_cfg/amass_occ_leg_noise_7.yaml --saved_data_path=PATH/TO/TEST/RESULTS

Other flags for visualization and rendering:

Test and evaluate on PROX/EgoBody

Correponds to the experiment setups in Tab.2 and Tab.3 in the paper.


To obtain the initial (noisy and partially visible) motions on PROX, we use the following options:

We provide our preprocessed initial motion sequence in the folder data/init_motions, and the final output motion sequences from RoHM in the folder data/test_results_release for your reference.

<!-- For now, we provide: * A sample sequence for initilized motion on PROX by [LEMO](https://github.com/sanweiliti/LEMO?tab=readme-ov-file#additional-data) (see 'Additional Data' section in LEMO). * A sample sequence for initilized motion on EgoBody by EgoBody Dataset (download `rohm_init_egobody_rgb.zip` from [EgoBody dataset](https://sanweiliti.github.io/egobody/egobody.html)) * With the sample init motions above, or your customized input, please prepare your initial SMPL-X sequences following the data format as below: ``` RoHM ├── data │ ├── init_motions │ │ ├── init_egobody_rgb │ │ │ ├── RECORDING_NAME │ │ │ │ ├── body_idx_0/1 │ │ │ │ │ ├── results │ │ │ │ │ │ ├── frame_xxxxx │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├── 000.pkl │ │ ├── init_prox_rgb │ │ │ ├── RECORDING_NAME │ │ │ │ ├── results │ │ │ │ │ ├── s00x_frame_xxxxx_... │ │ │ │ │ │ ├── 000.pkl │ │ ├── init_prox_rgbd │ │ │ ├── same as in init_prox_rgb... ``` where `000.pkl` follows the same format as in PROX and EgoBody datasets to save SMPL-X parameters. -->

Note that for the following scripts, the intial motions should have z-axis up for PROX, and y-axis up for EgoBody.

Test on PROX/EgoBody

python test_prox_egobody.py --config=cfg_files/test_cfg/prox_rgbd.yaml --recording_name=RECORDING_NAME
python test_prox_egobody.py --config=cfg_files/test_cfg/prox_rgb.yaml --recording_name=RECORDING_NAME
python test_prox_egobody.py --config=cfg_files/test_cfg/egobody_rgb.yaml --recording_name=RECORDING_NAME

Evaluate on PROX/EgoBody

Calculate the evaluation metrics and visualize/render on reconstructed results on PROX/EgoBody.

python eval_prox_egobody.py --config=cfg_files/eval_cfg/prox_rgbd.yaml --saved_data_dir=PATH/TO/TEST/RESULTS --recording_name=RECORDING_NAME
python eval_prox_egobody.py --config=cfg_files/eval_cfg/prox_rgb.yaml --saved_data_dir=PATH/TO/TEST/RESULTS --recording_name=RECORDING_NAME
python eval_prox_egobody.py --config=cfg_files/eval_cfg/egobody_rgb.yaml --saved_data_dir=PATH/TO/TEST/RESULTS --recording_name=RECORDING_NAME

Note: recording_name can be set to:

Other flags for visualization and rendering:

Customized Input

If you want to run RoHM on your customized input:


The majority of RoHM is licensed under CC-BY-NC (including the code, released checkpoints, released dataset for initialized / final motion sequences), however portions of the project are available under separate license terms:


If you find our work useful in your research, please consider citing:

   title={RoHM: Robust Human Motion Reconstruction via Diffusion},
   author={Zhang, Siwei and Bhatnagar, Bharat Lal and Xu, Yuanlu and Winkler, Alexander and Kadlecek, Petr and Tang, Siyu and Bogo, Federica},