

My Termux setup

Termux - Terminal Emulator for Android

Here is My Termux Terminal Emulator Setup & Packages 🔖

Linux on Android 💯

Download Termux

Termux Support was dropped from Playstore - https://github.com/termux/termux-app#installation

Get it from Google Play store 💯

My Setup & Packages

pkg update
pkg upgrade
pkg autoclean
pkg clean
pkg install curl
pkg install git
pkg install wget
pkg install zip
pkg install unzip


pkg Install python2


pkg install python
pkg install nodejs
# LTS Version
pkg install nodejs-lts
pkg install jq
pkg install libxml2-utils
pkg install grep
pkg install bc
pkg install htop
pkg install figlet
pkg install httping
pkg install dnsutils
pkg install openssh
pkg install ffmpeg
curl -sL https://gist.githubusercontent.com/santhoshkumar/48dad71342f8dc68029b5d5f33504302/raw/13d40d51dd45597f2b74b30361c642f3e56ed187/package.sh | bash
pkg install php
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php -- --install-dir=/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin --filename=composer
pkg install nano
pkg install zsh
pip install --upgrade pip setuptools
pip install --upgrade httpie
pip install -U requests[socks]
pip install requests
pkg install clang
pkg install libffi
pkg install openssl
pip install ddgr
pkg install screenfetch
pkg install w3m
pkg install cowsay
pkg install perl
pkg install ruby
pkg install rust
pkg install Cloudflared
pkg install sqlite
pkg install fakeroot
pkg install sshpass
pkg install golang
pkg install proot

Fixes the DNS lookup issue

$ termux-chroot
$ ls /usr
chmod 700 -R ~/<filename or folder name>
rm -rf ~/<filename or folder name>
pkg install termux-exec
pkg install termux-api
pkg update
pkg upgrade
cd .termux
nano termux.properties

Copy and Paste the Below Key Configuration in the Termux Properties File - CTRL + X to save & Exit

extra-keys = [ \
 ['ESC','|','/','HOME','UP','END','PGUP','DEL'], \

Termux Storage permission did not create symlink for all folders - ( https://github.com/termux/termux-app/issues/591 )

cd $HOME
curl -sL https://gist.githubusercontent.com/santhoshkumar/aba032a6dae1940ed57d860d5a0d963d/raw/bd18596aff92295dbcf102e6570deb5f0561a085/package.sh | bash
pkg list-installed
pkg uninstall <package-name>
hash -r
pkg help

Learn More about Termux Visit - https://termux.com/

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