

Awesome WatchKit sample apps & tutorials

A curated list of the best, in-depth WatchKit tutorials that explain key concepts and provide sample code.

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  1. Calculator

Tutorial for building an awesome calculator from scratch (Swift). <br/><br/> Calculator

  1. Lister

List app that synchronizes data between Watch app and containing iPhone app (Objective-C). <br/><br/> Lister

  1. Bitcoin Tracker

Bitcoin price tracking app. <br/><br/> Bitcoin Tracker

  1. Cherry

Mini Pomodoro Timer app designed for the  Watch (Swift). <br/><br/> Cherry

  1. Guess Game

Simple game to learn how to use different UI elements on Watch (Swift). <br/><br/> Guess Game

  1. Weather

Queries user location, retrieves weather data from an api and displays on the Watch (Swift). <br/><br/> Weather

  1. Shared Core Data

To-Do list type app that uses shared core data storage between WatchKit and iPhone app (Swift). <br/><br/> Shared Core Data

  1. WatchPic

Instagram for  Watch (Objective-C). <br/><br/> WatchPic

  1. Watch Ring Generator

iOS app to generate series of PNG images, to be used in WatchKit apps (Objective-C). <br/><br/> Watch Ring Generator

  1. KFWatchKitAnimations

KFWatchKitAnimations creates beautiful 60 FPS animations for  Watch by recording animations from the iOS Simulator (Swift). <br/><br/> KFWatchKitAnimations

  1. IGInterfaceDataTable

IGInterfaceDataTable is a category on WKInterfaceTable that makes configuring tables with multi-dimensional data easier. <br/><br/> IGInterfaceDataTable

  1. Radial Bar Chart Generator

Generates radial bar images for your Watch apps. <br/><br/> Radial Bar Chart Generator

  1. WatchKit FAQ

Excellent collection of WatchKit FAQs. <br/><br/> WatchKit FAQ

  1. Five Minute WatchKit

Quick, easy-to-digest advice on all aspects of  Watch app design & development in < 5 minutes. <br/><br/> Five Minute WatchKit

  1. WWDC Parties

Aggregator of developers parties happening in San Francisco. View the parties on map, register and mark parties you’re going to take part in (Objective-C + Swift). <br/><br/> WWDC Parties

  1. Stock tracker

Page-Based navigation style to show the user two stock quotes (Swift). <br/><br/> Stock tracker

  1. Frame rate tutorial

How to animate in WatchKit apps using numbered images. Learn right from how to create the images in Photoshop to using them in Xcode. <br/><br/> Frame rate tutorial

  1. Maps on Apple Watch

Sample implementation of Maps API on the Watch. <br/><br/> Maps on Apple Watch

  1. Location-aware weather app

A basic weather app that provides a brief look at the weather in your current location. <br/><br/> Location-aware weather app

  1. Starburst

A collection of animated PNG sequences for use as loading indicators in your Apple Watch app. <br/><br/> Starburst

  1. TDWatchInterfaceMenu

TDWatchInterfaceMenu provides a way to add a menu item with a block as the action handler.

  1. JBWatchActivityIndicator

An easy way to generate activity indicator images for Apple Watch. <br/><br/> JBWatchActivityIndicator

  1. WatchKit Development Tips

Tips for Apple Watch Development with Xcode & WatchKit. <br/><br/> WatchKit Development Tips


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