

Ecommerce Demo - AKVA

This demo is an enhanced version of our AKVA demo, powered by Sanity + Hydrogen. This demo is compatible with @shopify/hydrogen ~= 2023.10.2.

<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/209129/173065853-77b26be2-dd15-4b4d-8164-850e70247b88.png" width="1000" />

Demo | Sanity Connect for Shopify


About the storefront

AKVA is our customized Hydrogen starter that presents a real-world example of how Sanity and Structured Content can elevate your custom Shopify storefronts. This is an enhanced version demonstrating some additional features such as enhanced structured content for products and the addition of a "guide" content type, all of which lead to richer PDPs (Product Display Pages). These additions include:

This demo also features an embedded version of our pre-configured Studio and Sanity Connect for Shopify, which syncs products and collections from your Shopify storefront to your Sanity dataset.

This starter showcases a few patterns you can adopt when creating your own custom storefronts. Use Sanity and Hydrogen to delight customers with rich, shoppable editorial experiences that best tell your story.

About the Studio

This studio is based on our Shopify Studio template, which has a number of features. In addition to this, we've modelled some additional content as detailed above.

Storefront Features

View the feature gallery

This TypeScript demo adopts many of Hydrogen's framework conventions and third-party libraries. If you've used Hydrogen then you should hopefully feel at home here.

Fetching Sanity data

This demo comes with a custom useSanityQuery hook that allows you to query your Sanity dataset directly from server components.

// MyServerComponent.server.jsx
import useSanityQuery from "./hooks/useSanityQuery";

const QUERY = `*[_type == 'page' && slug.current == $slug]`;
const PARAMS = { slug: "about" };

export default function MyServerComponent() {
  const { data, error } = useSanityQuery({
    // Required
    query: QUERY,
    // Optional
    params: PARAMS,
    // Optional: pass through any useQuery options
    options: {
      preload: false,
  return <div>{JSON.stringify(data)}</div>;

The hook itself is super lightweight - it uses our official @sanity/client library wrapped in a Hydrogen useQuery hook to make it suspense-friendly. That's it!


We've taken the following opinions on how we've approached this demo.

<details> <summary><strong>Shopify is the source of truth for non-editorial content</strong></summary> </details> <details> <summary><strong>Shopify data stored in our Sanity dataset is used to improve the editor experience</strong></summary> </details> <details> <summary><strong>Collections are managed entirely by Shopify</strong></summary> </details> <details> <summary><strong>Product options are customized in Sanity</strong></summary> </details> <details> <summary><strong>We don't surface Shopify HTML descriptions and metatags</strong></summary> </details> <details> <summary><strong>Non-product (regular) pages are managed entirely by Sanity</strong></summary> </details> <details> <summary><strong>We query our Sanity dataset when building sitemap.xml entries</strong></summary> </details>

Getting started



These installation instructions assume you have already installed and configured Sanity Connect on your Shopify store.

  1. Duplicate the .env.example file to .env and replace the values to point to your Sanity project's dataset and projectId, and your Shopify storefront's storeDomain and storefrontToken. Use Shopify's Headless app to manage tokens for the Storefront API.

  2. Install dependencies and start the development server

    npm install
    npm run dev
  3. Visit the development environment running at http://localhost:3000.

Previewing a production build

To run a local preview of your Hydrogen app in an environment similar to Oxygen, build your Hydrogen app and then run yarn preview:

npm run build
npm run preview

Building for production

npm run build

Then, you can run a local server.js using the production build with:

npm run serve


See Hydrogen's documentation on deployment


This repository is published under the MIT license.