TinyML on Arduino
AI/ML DevFest Workshop - September 28, 2019
<a href=""><img src="images/AI-ML-devfest-AZ-2019-horz.png" alt="AI/ML DevFest Logo" width=50%></a>
Presented by
- Sandeep Mistry - Arduino
- Don Coleman - Chariot Solutions
Hardware Kits provided by Arduino
<a href=""><img src="images/Arduino_logo_R_highquality.png" alt="Arduino Logo" width=30%><a/> <a href=""><img src="images/ChariotSolutions.png" alt="Chariot Solutions Logo" width=30%></a>
- Exercise 1: Development Environment
- Exercise 2: Assemble the Hardware
- Exercise 3: Visualizing the IMU Data
- Exercise 4: Gather the Training Data
- Exercise 5: Machine Learning
- Exercise 6: Classifying IMU Data
- Exercise 7: Gesture Controlled USB Emoji Keyboard
- Exercise 8: Next Steps
Slides can be found in Google Slides.