


NOTE: This is a work in progress



What's working

StatusAdditional details
USB Ports:ok_hand:6 x USB 2.0; 4 x USB 3.0: I didn't perform any speed test on the USB 3.1 port
Unlock with Apple Watch:ok_hand:
Graphics acceleration (dGPU):ok_hand: :grey_exclamation:Connected to two monitors through DisplayPort and HDMI. I didn't compare the performance
Sidecar:thumbsdown:iPad shows a black screen
CPU power management:question:Not tested
DRM:thumbsup: :grey_exclamation:Apple TV works fine! Netflix plays on chrome

Complete hardware description

Dual boot

Because I mainly use Windows and Linux (for professional reasons) I didn't need a quick dual boot setup. When I want to boot on macOS, I press F12 to select the BIOS startup disk.

Material required


Follow the guide https://dortania.github.io/OpenCore-Desktop-Guide/

EFI Folder

│       BOOTx64.efi
    │   config.plist
    │   OpenCore.efi
    │       SSDT-AWAC.aml
    │       SSDT-EC.aml
    │       SSDT-PLUG.aml
    │       SSDT-PMC.aml
    │       SSDT-SBUS-MCHC.aml
    │       SSDT-USBX.aml
    │       Bootstrap.efi
    │       AudioDxe.efi
    │       HfsPlus.efi
    │       OpenRuntime.efi
    │   ├───AppleALC.kext
    │   │   └───Contents
    │   │       │   Info.plist
    │   │       │   
    │   │       └───MacOS
    │   │               AppleALC
    │   │               
    │   ├───IntelMausi.kext
    │   │   └───Contents
    │   │       │   Info.plist
    │   │       │   
    │   │       └───MacOS
    │   │               IntelMausi
    │   │               
    │   ├───Lilu.kext
    │   │   └───Contents
    │   │       │   Info.plist
    │   │       │   
    │   │       └───MacOS
    │   │               Lilu
    │   │               
    │   ├───SMCProcessor.kext
    │   │   └───Contents
    │   │       │   Info.plist
    │   │       │   
    │   │       └───MacOS
    │   │               SMCProcessor
    │   │               
    │   ├───SMCSuperIO.kext
    │   │   └───Contents
    │   │       │   Info.plist
    │   │       │   
    │   │       └───MacOS
    │   │               SMCSuperIO
    │   │               
    │   ├───USBInjectAll.kext
    │   │   └───Contents
    │   │       │   Info.plist
    │   │       │   
    │   │       ├───MacOS
    │   │       │       USBInjectAll
    │   │       │       
    │   │       └───_CodeSignature
    │   │               CodeResources
    │   │               
    │   ├───VirtualSMC.kext
    │   │   └───Contents
    │   │       │   Info.plist
    │   │       │   
    │   │       └───MacOS
    │   │               VirtualSMC
    │   │               
    │   ├───WhateverGreen.kext
    │   │   └───Contents
    │   │       │   Info.plist
    │   │       │   
    │   │       └───MacOS
    │   │               WhateverGreen
    │   │               
    │   └───XHCI-unsupported.kext
    │       └───Contents
    │               Info.plist
    │   ├───Audio
    │   ├───Font
    │   ├───Image
    │   └───Label

Bios Settings

Check this file


OpenCore 0.5.9 to 0.6.0 update

OpenCore 0.6.0 to 0.6.4 update

OpenCore 0.6.4 to 0.6.7 update

#                 OC Config Compare                   #

Checking for values missing from User plist:

config.plist -> Kernel -> Quirks - Missing Key: SetApfsTrimTimeout
config.plist -> Misc -> Boot - Missing Key: LauncherOption
config.plist -> Misc -> Boot - Missing Key: LauncherPath
config.plist -> Misc -> Boot - Missing Key: PickerVariant
config.plist -> PlatformInfo - Missing Key: UseRawUuidEncoding
config.plist -> PlatformInfo -> Generic - Missing Key: MaxBIOSVersion
config.plist -> UEFI -> Audio - Missing Key: ResetTrafficClass
config.plist -> UEFI -> Audio - Missing Key: SetupDelay
config.plist -> UEFI -> Output - Missing Key: GopPassThrough
config.plist -> UEFI -> Quirks - Missing Key: ActivateHpetSupport
config.plist -> UEFI -> Quirks - Missing Key: DisableSecurityPolicy

Checking for values missing from Sample:

Sample.plist -> Misc -> Security - Missing Key: BootProtect
Sample.plist -> UEFI -> Input - Missing Key: KeyMergeThreshold
Sample.plist -> UEFI -> Quirks - Missing Key: DeduplicateBootOrder

OpenCore 0.6.7 to 0.6.8 update

ACPI -> Patch -> Array -> base and baseskip
Booter -> Quirks -> ForceBooterSignature
UEFI -> AppleInput

DevicePorperties -> PciRoot...
UEFI -> ProtocolOverrides -> AppleEvent

OpenCore 0.6.8 to 0.7.1 update

ACPI -> Quirks - Missing Key: SyncTableIds
Kernel -> Quirks - Missing Key: ProvideCurrentCpuInfo
Kernel -> Scheme - Missing Key: CustomKernel
Misc -> Entries -> Array - Missing Key: Flavour
Misc -> Security - Missing Key: AllowToggleSip
Misc -> Tools -> Array - Missing Key: Flavour
NVRAM -> Add -> 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82 - Missing Key: ForceDisplayRotationInEFI
Generic - Missing Key: AdviseFeatures
UEFI -> AppleInput -> CustomDelays - Type Difference: String --> Boolean
UEFI -> Output -> GopPassThrough - Type Difference: Boolean --> String
UEFI -> ProtocolOverrides - Missing Key: AppleEg2Info
UEFI -> Quirks - Missing Key: EnableVectorAcceleration
UEFI -> Quirks - Missing Key: ForgeUefiSupport
UEFI -> Quirks - Missing Key: ReloadOptionRoms

PlatformInfo -> Generic - Missing Key: AdviseWindows
/Users/username/Downloads/OpenCore-0.7.1-RELEASE/Utilities/ocvalidate/ocvalidate  /Volumes/EFI/EFI/OC/config.plist

Completed validating /Volumes/EFI/EFI/OC/config.plist in 1 ms. No issues found.

OpenCore 0.7.1 to 0.7.5 update (NEW)

config.plist -> Booter -> Quirks - Missing Key: ResizeAppleGpuBars
config.plist -> UEFI -> AppleInput - Missing Key: GraphicsInputMirroring
config.plist -> UEFI -> Drivers -> Array - Type Difference: String --> Dictionary
config.plist -> UEFI -> Quirks - Missing Key: ForceOcWriteFlash
config.plist -> UEFI -> Quirks - Missing Key: ResizeGpuBars

Checking for values missing from Sample:

 - Nothing missing from Sample config!
/Users/username/Downloads/OpenCore-0.7.1-RELEASE/Utilities/ocvalidate/ocvalidate  /Volumes/EFI/EFI/OC/config.plist

Completed validating /Volumes/EFI/EFI/OC/config.plist in 1 ms. No issues found.

macOS 10.15.6 update

macOS 10.15.6 to 11.1 Big Sur upgrade

macOS 11.2.3 update

macOS 11.3 update

macOS 11.3.1 update

macOS 11.4 update

macOS 11.6.1 update (NEW)
