


Kautilya is a toolkit which provides various payloads for a Human Interface Device which may help in breaking in a computer during penetration tests.

By nikhil_mitt

List of Payloads
Drop Files
Payloads Compatibility

Run kautilya.rb and follow the menus. Kautilya asks for your inputs for various options. The generated payload is copied to the output directory of Kautilya.

The generated payload is an arduino sketch, ready to be used with Arduino IDE. Burn it to Human Interface Device of your choice and have fun!

Supported Human Interface Devices

In principal Kautilya should work with any HID capable of acting as a keyboard. Kautilya has been tested on Teensy++2.0 and Teensy 3.0 from pjrc.com. Updates about Kautilya can be found most of the times at my blog http://labofapenetrationtester.com/ and google group.

User Group

For any queries, discussions and feedback, post to official google group http://groups.google.com/group/kautilya-users or mail me at nikhil d0t uitrgpv at gmail.com

Bugs and Feature requests

Raise an issue or post to the google group.


Kautilya needs colored, highline and artii (and win32console on Windows) gems. Use

bundle install

to install all the required gems.


If you code in Ruby, you can contribute by helping in rebuilding UI of Kautilya. I am trying to make it an interactive shell based tool unlike the current menus based UI.

I am always looking for contributors to Kautilya. Please submit requests or drop me email.

Blog Posts

A five part blog post on my blog could be useful for those new to HID and Kautilya:

Part 1: http://labofapenetrationtester.blogspot.in/2012/04/teensy-usb-hid-for-penetration-testers.html

Part 2: http://labofapenetrationtester.blogspot.in/2012/04/teensy-usb-hid-for-penetration-testers_04.html

Part 3: http://labofapenetrationtester.blogspot.in/2012/04/teensy-usb-hid-for-penetration-testers_25.html

Part 4: http://labofapenetrationtester.blogspot.in/2012/05/teensy-usb-hid-for-penetration-testers.html

Part 5: http://labofapenetrationtester.blogspot.in/2012/09/usb-hid-for-pen-testers-part5.html

All posts related to Kautilya http://www.labofapenetrationtester.com/search/label/Kautilya


Due Credits and Borrowed Code: I do not put credits of any borrowed code inside the payloads generated by Kautilya to save space. Credits and thanks are generally mentioned either in the description of payloads or accompanying blog post. If you think I missed any due credit, please let me know. I will add the credits with apologies.