

Outrun Theme for VS Code

Outrun is a fully custom theme for VS Code inspired by the colors, style, and culture of the synthwave music scene.

The official landing page can be found at https://outruntheme.com

Built by Sam Rapaport

Looking for Sublime Text 3? I got you covered! A port of this theme for Atom is also available here.


Outrun is available on the Extension Marketplace. Search for Outrun, install, and then set it as your theme!

Alternatively, you may clone this repository into your ~/.vscode/extensions directory.



<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/samrap/outrun-theme-vscode/master/screenshots/ruby.png" alt="Outrun Theme for Ruby" />


<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/samrap/outrun-theme-vscode/master/screenshots/php.png" alt="Outrun Theme for Ruby" />

With Sidebar & Terminal

<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/samrap/outrun-theme-vscode/master/screenshots/ruby-full.png" alt="Outrun Theme for Ruby" />

Fixes & Enhancements

Outrun is a new theme and has not been tested with all languages/editor features. If you come across a weird style or have suggestions for improvements, submit an issue with the information.