

Hubot: hubot-mysql-chatops

A small collection of MySQL ChatOps scripts.

See each script in src/ for full documentation.


Add hubot-mysql-chatops to your package.json file:

"dependencies": {
  "hubot-mysql-chatops": ">= 1.0.0",

Add hubot-mysql-chatops to your external-scripts.json:


Run npm install


Some of these scripts execute queries. It is very strongly recommended that a read only user is used and queries are executed on a MySQL slave.

I can't be responsible for you deleting all your data ;)

An example GRANT would be: GRANT SELECT ON some_db.* TO 'hubot_mysql'@'hubot_host' IDENTIFIED BY 'some_pass';

Sample Interaction

user1>> mysql explain SELECT * FROM users
hubot>> user1:
		│Select Type    │Table    │Type      │Possibl…│Key     │Key Len   │Ref     │Rows      │Ext…│
		│SIMPLE         │users    │ALL       │null    │null    │null      │null    │0         │    │
user1>> mysql profile SELECT * FROM users
hubot>> user1:
    │Status                                │Duration (secs) │
    │starting                              │0.000036        │
    │Waiting for query cache lock          │0.000004        │
    │checking query cache for query        │0.000042        │
    │checking permissions                  │0.000009        │
    │Opening tables                        │0.000031        │
    │System lock                           │0.000011        │
    │Waiting for query cache lock          │0.000027        │
    │init                                  │0.000029        │
    │optimizing                            │0.000006        │
    │statistics                            │0.000013        │
    │preparing                             │0.000010        │
    │executing                             │0.000003        │
    │Sending data                          │0.000089        │
    │end                                   │0.000006        │
    │query end                             │0.000006        │
    │closing tables                        │0.000008        │
    │freeing items                         │0.000007        │
    │Waiting for query cache lock          │0.000003        │
    │freeing items                         │0.000064        │
    │Waiting for query cache lock          │0.000008        │
    │freeing items                         │0.000003        │
    │storing result in query cache         │0.000004        │
    │logging slow query                    │0.000002        │
    │cleaning up                           │0.000003        │


Thanks to everyone who has contributed to Hubot and this packages dependencies.

A special thank you to @technicalpickles for being awesome.