Bitbucket Telegram Bot
This application gets updates from Bitbucket and publishes them into Telegram Channels.
npm install @samiyev/bitbucket-telegram-bot
No extensive tutorials required because you are a smart developer! Using this module should be an easy one, so let's make it so! Here's some examples.
You must make bot and channel in telegram. If the channel is public, chatId may contain channel name, like @myPublicChannel.
If the channel is private, then make a channel public, send a test request to the channel from the browser like the following:<YOUR_BOT_TOKEN>/sendMessage?chat_id=@myTemporaryPublicChannel&text=test
After that you can make channel private again.
Response will contain the channel's numeric ID, like the following:
"ok": true,
"result": {
"message_id": 2,
"chat": {
"id": -1001072411791,
"title": "myTemporaryPublicChannel",
"username": "myTemporaryPublicChannel",
"type": "channel"
"date": 1472985422,
"text": "test"
In the above example -1001072411791 is the channel ID. Then you must add your telegram bot into your telegram channel quality Admin.
Shoot-and-forget usage
const daemon = {
//interval daemon autoupdate time
interval: 59 * 1000
const bitbucket = {
team: 'bitbucketTeamName',
username: 'yourBirbucketUsername',
password: 'youBitbucketPassword'
const telegram = {
// token make in Botfather telegram.
token: '417095412:AAFihPEqfWK0OcQRgwaawgsfzqmTtKkpn4Y6XrmQ',
// public channel id
chat_id: -1001072411791
import * as BitbucketUpdates from "@samiyev/bitbucket-telegram-bot";
const daemon = new BitbucketUpdates
.Daemon(daemon, bitbucket, telegram, counter);
.then(() => {
console.log('Daemon is running...');
.catch((error) => {