

PCM Player

A minimalist javascript audio player for PCM streaming data for the browsers.

How to use?

var player = new PCMPlayer(option);

Available options are:

encoding - possible values 8bitInt / 16bitInt / 32bitInt / 32bitFloat default: 16bitInt

channels - no of channels in PCM data

sampleRate - sample rate of the PCM data

flushingTime - flushing interval of PCM data to be played in milisecond. Default 1000ms

Decoder fire an event decode whenever it completes decoding. Usually it decodes several opus packet at a time for better performance although it need to be provided single opus packet into decode method.

Complete example:

var player = new PCMPlayer({
    encoding: '16bitInt',
    channels: 2,
    sampleRate: 8000,
    flushingTime: 2000

// Now feed PCM data into player getting from websocket or ajax whatever the transport you are using.

Available Methods

feedraw PCM dataUsually get from ajax or websocket
volumedecimal value 0 to 1For controlling volume of the player
destroy-Destroy the player instance and release the resources


it is supported on:

How to run example?

An example with simple node server script is available that include some raw pcm data that will be served by websocket and at the client end, it will be played through PCM player. For running the example, first run the node server by following command: (I am assuming you are on project directory i.e pcm-player)

cd example/server

node server.js

then, visit example/index.html page through any webserver.

If you don't have any web server, you can do following:

(I am assuming you are on project directory i.e pcm-player)

npm install http-server -g

then run following command


Finally visit example page using URL OR URL suggested by http-server