


This is my Kali Linux setup for Bug Bounty and CTFs.

I used to use a VM with Vagrant, you can find it in the vagrant branch. I've moved to Docker because I've always found myself using Kali via SSH, so I figured I could switch and only use graphical tools on my machine.

There are two versions:


You can always pull the latest build from Docker Hub with:

$ docker pull samirettali/kali

Or if you want the CTF version:

$ docker pull samirettali/kali:ctf

Run it:

$ docker run --rm -it kali

If you prefer, you can clone the repository and build the image yourself.

When you start a container for the first time you will be prompted if you want to download some wordlists and install my dotfiles, I did it so that I don't have to do it manually each time I update the container and so that if someone else wants to use it he can use it without having my configurations installed.

A little note about running

I have a function in my shell config called kali that handles the container execution:

if [[ $(docker container inspect -f '{{.State.Status}}' kali) == 'exited' ]]; then
    docker start -a kali
elif [[ $(docker container inspect -f '{{.State.Status}}' kali) == 'running' ]]; then
    docker exec -it kali ./entrypoint.sh
elif [[ -z $(docker ps --filter 'name=kali' --format '{{.Names}}') ]]; then
    docker run -it --name kali samirettali/kali
    echo "Container is probably starting, wait..."

This way I don't have to think about the state of the container and which command to run. Also, you probably want to map some ports and mount some folders to be able to easily move files.


There are some graphical tools that I use on my machine:


[ ] Clean out repos.sh and merge it with download-wordlists.sh

<!-- ## Online tool --> <!-- ### Cryptography --> <!-- * [Boxentrix](https://www.boxentriq.com/code-breaking) --> <!-- * [Cipher tools](http://rumkin.com/tools/cipher) --> <!-- * [Cryptii](https://cryptii.com) --> <!-- * [Integer factorization](jjalpertron.com.ar/ECM.HTM) --> <!-- * [dcode.fr](https://www.dcode.fr/tools-list) --> <!-- * [factordb.com](http://factordb.com) --> <!-- ### Execute code --> <!-- * [tio.run](https://tio.run) --> <!-- * [.NETFiddle](https://dotnetfiddle.net) --> <!-- ### Cracking --> <!-- * [Quipquip](https://quipqiup.com) --> <!-- * [guballa](https://www.guballa.de/substitution-solver) --> <!-- ### CTF related --> <!-- * [CTF Search](https://ctf.courgettes.club) --> <!-- * [IPPSEC](https://ippsec.rocks) --> <!-- ### Misc --> <!-- * [ShellStorm](http://shell-storm.org/shellcode) --> <!-- * [Diffchecker](https://www.diffchecker.com/) --> <!-- * [OCR](https://www.onlineocr.net/it/) --> <!-- * [Related words](https://relatedwords.org/) --> <!-- ### Resources: --> <!-- * [GTFOBins](https://gtfobins.github.io/) --> <!-- * [LOLBAS](https://lolbas-project.github.io/) --> <!-- * [Identify a cipher](http://practicalcryptography.com/cryptanalysis/text-characterisation/identifying-unknown-ciphers/) --> <!-- * [List of magic numbers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_file_signatures) --> <!-- * [Reverse shells cheatsheet](http://pentestmonkey.net/cheat-sheet/shells/reverse-shell-cheat-sheet) --> <!-- * [System calls](http://shell-storm.org/shellcode/files/syscalls.html) --> <!-- ### Steganography: --> <!-- * [Unicode steganography ](https://www.irongeek.com/i.php?page=security/unicode-steganography-homoglyph-encoder) --> <!-- * [Unicode zero-width steganography](https://330k.github.io/misc_tools/unicode_steganography.html) --> <!-- * [Translate audio to raw image](https://rawpixels.net/) --> <!-- ## Windows tools --> <!-- These are the tools that I use on my Windows 10 VM (it's separate from this --> <!-- project, it's just for having a reference) --> <!-- ### Misc --> <!-- * [7zip](https://www.7-zip.org/) --> <!-- * [Chrome](https://www.google.com/intl/chrome/) --> <!-- * [Cygwin](https://www.cygwin.com/) --> <!-- * [Firefox](https://www.mozilla.org/firefox) --> <!-- * [HxD](https://mh-nexus.de/en/hxd/) --> <!-- * [OpenVPN](https://openvpn.net/) --> <!-- * [VS Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/) --> <!-- * [Visual Studio](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/i) --> <!-- * [hashcalc](https://www.slavasoft.com/hashcalc/) --> <!-- * [putty](https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/latest.html) --> <!-- * [Malzilla](http://malzilla.sourceforge.net/) --> <!-- * [NBTExplorer](https://github.com/jaquadro/NBTExplorer) --> <!-- ### Forensics --> <!-- * [Regshot](https://sourceforge.net/projects/regshot/) --> <!-- ### Process analysis --> <!-- * [Procdump](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/procdump) --> <!-- * [Process Monitor](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/procmon) --> <!-- * [Process hacker](https://processhacker.sourceforge.io/) --> <!-- * [nodeJS](https://nodejs.org/) --> <!-- * [API monitor](https://www.rohitab.com/apimonitor) --> <!-- ### Network --> <!-- * [Burp suite](https://portswigger.net/burp) --> <!-- * [Fiddler](https://www.telerik.com/fiddler) --> <!-- * [Network monitor](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=4865) --> <!-- * [Wireshark](https://www.wireshark.org/) --> <!-- * [DNS query sniffer](https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/dns_query_sniffer.html) --> <!-- * [TCP log viewer](https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/tcp_log_view.html) --> <!-- ### Reversing --> <!-- * [Ghidra](https://ghidra-sre.org/) --> <!-- * [IDA](https://www.hex-rays.com/products/ida/support/download_freeware.shtml) --> <!-- * [PE-Bear](https://hshrzd.wordpress.com/pe-bear/) --> <!-- * [PPEE (Professional PE explorer)](https://www.mzrst.com/) --> <!-- * [dnSpy](https://github.com/0xd4d/dnSpy) --> <!-- * [scdbg](http://sandsprite.com/blogs/index.php?uid=7&pid=152) --> <!-- * [x64dbg](https://x64dbg.com/) --> <!-- * [CMD watcher](https://www.kahusecurity.com/tools.html) --> <!-- * [Dependency walker](http://www.dependencywalker.com/) --> <!-- * [PEStudio](https://www.winitor.com/get.html) --> <!-- * [Resource hacker](http://www.angusj.com/resourcehacker/) --> <!-- * [BinText](https://www.aldeid.com/wiki/BinText) --> <!-- * [SSView](https://www.mitec.cz/ssv.html) --> <!-- * [CFF Explorer](https://ntcore.com/?page_id=388) -->