Scientific colour maps for Ncview
Fabio Crameri's colour maps adapted for Ncview.
According to the Ncview source code:
ncview has a useful set of built-in colormaps. The set of built-in
colormaps can be augmented by user-specified colormaps that are contained
in simple ASCII files with 256 lines, where each line has 3 entries
(separated by spaces), which indicate the R, B, and G values. Each value
must be an integer between 0 and 255, inclusive. User-specified
colormaps are contained in files with the extension of ".ncmap", and can
live in the following places:
1) NCVIEW_LIB_DIR, which is determined at installation time. A
reasonable choice is "/usr/local/lib/ncview".
2) In a directory named by the environmental variable "NCVIEWBASE".
3) If there is no environmental variable "NCVIEWBASE", then in $HOME.
4) In the current working directory.
So the easiest way is to clone this repository, and then export its path as the environment variable $NCVIEWBASE
export NCVIEWBASE=/path/to/ncview-scientific-colour-maps
Then when you open Ncview it should automatically have all of the colourmaps available.