


Lisp C Compiler, Lisp-like syntax for writing C code in addition of some forms and pointer managements.



(variable int amount)
(variable double total)
int amount;
double total;


(variable const int SIDE . 10)
const int SIDE = 10;



lcc OperatorC Operator
(set total (+ total amount))

(let ((int i . 3)
      (int j . 7)
      (int k))
  (set k (+ i j)))
total = total + amount;

  int i = 3, j = 7, k;
  k = i + j;

Increment and Decrement

lcc OperatorC Operator
++prefix ++
--prefix --
++#postfix ++
--#postfix --
(target "main.c" 
  (include <stdio.h>)

  (function main ()
    (let ((int a . 5)
          (int b . 5))
      ;; Print them and decrementing each time.
      ;; Use postfix mode for a and prefix mode for b.
      (printf "\n%d %d" (--# a) (-- b))
      (printf "\n%d %d" (--# a) (-- b))
      (printf "\n%d %d" (--# a) (-- b))
      (printf "\n%d %d" (--# a) (-- b))
      (printf "\n%d %d" (--# a) (-- b)))))
#include <stdio.h>

void main()
    int a = 5, b = 5;
    //Print them and decrementing each time.
    //Use postfix mode for a and prefix mode for b.
    printf("\n%d %d", a--, --b);
    printf("\n%d %d", a--, --b);
    printf("\n%d %d", a--, --b);
    printf("\n%d %d", a--, --b);
    printf("\n%d %d", a--, --b);


lcc OperatorC Operator


lcc OperatorC Operator


lcc OperatorC Operator


lcc OperatorC Operator


lcc OperatorC Operator
(set a (? (== b 2) 20 30))
a = (b == 2) ? 20 : 30;


lcc OperatorC Operator

Data Types

ANSI C provides three types of data types:

lcc supports declaration and definition of all ANCI C data types.

lcc Data TypeC Data Type
ucharunsigned char
ushortunsigned short
uintunsigned int
ulongunsigned long
llonglong long
ullongunsigned long long
u128unsigned __int128
reallong double


(let ((double price . 500.4)                         ; atom initialization
      (double price_array [] . '{100.2 230.7 924.8}) ; list initialization
      (double price_calc . #'(calculate_price))))    ; initialization by output of a function
  double price = 500.4;
  double price_array [] = {100.2, 230.7, 924.8};
  double price_calc = calculate_price();

Free Variable Declaration and Initialization

A free variable can has some attributes or storage class. each attribute enclosed in braces or parentheses.

{auto} (variable int width)
{register} (variable int height . 5)
(variable char letter . #\A)
(variable float age)
{extern} (variable float area)
{static} (variable double d)

;; actual initialization
(set width 10)
(set age 26.5)
auto int width; 
register height = 5;
char   letter = 'A';
float  age;
extern float area;
static double d;

/* actual initialization */
width = 10;
age = 26.5;

Scoped Variable Declaration and Initialization

A scoped variable can has some attributes or storage class. each attribute enclosed in braces or parentheses.

(let ({static} (int width . 3)
      {register} (int height . 4))
  (printf "area: %d" (* width height)))
  static int width = 3;
  register int height = 4;
  printf("area: %d", width * height);


(set width 60)
(set age 35)
width = 60;
age = 31;
(target "main.c"
  (include <stdio.h>)
  (function main ()
    (let ((int age . 33))
      (printf "I am %d years old.\n" age))))
#include <stdio.h>

void main()
    int age = 33;
    printf("I am %d years old.\n", age);

Type Casting

(target "main.c"
  (include <stdio.h>)
  (function main ()
    (let ((float a))
      (set a (cast float (/ 15 6)))
      (printf "%f" a))))
#include <stdio.h>
main ()
    float a;
    a = (float) 15 / 6;
    printf("%f", a);

Program Structure

lcc program involves one or many target form. targets are translating it's content forms to C code. each target must has a target c file, and a list of feature arguments.


All features could be omitted or if available accept #t for default behaviour or #f for do nothing.

(target "main.c"
  (:std #t)
  ;; some forms
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
;; MyMath library declaration
(target "mymath.h"
  (:compile #f)

  (guard __MYMATH_H__
    {declare} (function obj1_does ((int) (int)) (returns int))
    {declare} (function obj2_does ((int) (int)) (returns int))
    {declare} (function obj3_does ((int) (int)) (returns int))))

;; Default compilation
(target "obj1.c"
  (:compile #t)
  (include "mymath.h")
  (function obj1_does ((int x) (int y)) (returns int)
	    (return (+ x y))))

;; Custom compilation
(target "obj2.c"
  (:compile ("-c" "obj2.c" "-o" "objmul.o"))
  (include "mymath.h")
  (function obj2_does ((int x) (int y)) (returns int)
	    (return (* x y))))

;; Library creation and linking
(target "obj3.c"
  (:compile #t :link ("-o" "libMyMath.la" "obj1.lo" "objmul.lo" "obj3.lo"))
  (include "mymath.h")
  (function obj3_does ((int x) (int y)) (returns int)
	    (return (obj1_does (obj2_does x y) (obj2_does x y)))))

;; Executable creation and linking
(target "main.c"
  (:std #t :compile #t :link ("-o" "CompileTest" "main.lo" "-lMyMath"))
  (include "mymath.h")
  (function main ((int argc)
		  (char * argv []))
	    (if (!= argc 3)
		 (printf "two digits needed!")
		 (return EXIT_FAILURE)))
	    (let ((int x . #'(atoi (nth 1 argv)))
		  (int y . #'(atoi (nth 2 argv))))
	      (printf "MyMath lib outputs: %d\n" (obj3_does x y)))
	    (return EXIT_SUCCESS)))
lcc: compiling target mymath.h
lcc: compiling target obj1.c
libtool: compile:  gcc -g -O -c obj1.c  -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/obj1.o
libtool: compile:  gcc -g -O -c obj1.c -o obj1.o >/dev/null 2>&1
lcc: compiling target obj2.c
libtool: compile:  gcc -g -O -c obj2.c  -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/objmul.o
libtool: compile:  gcc -g -O -c obj2.c -o objmul.o >/dev/null 2>&1
lcc: compiling target obj3.c
libtool: compile:  gcc -g -O -c obj3.c  -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/obj3.o
libtool: compile:  gcc -g -O -c obj3.c -o obj3.o >/dev/null 2>&1
libtool: link: rm -fr  .libs/libMyMath.a .libs/libMyMath.la
libtool: link: ar cr .libs/libMyMath.a .libs/obj1.o .libs/objmul.o .libs/obj3.o 
libtool: link: ranlib .libs/libMyMath.a
libtool: link: ( cd ".libs" && rm -f "libMyMath.la" && ln -s "../libMyMath.la" "libMyMath.la" )
lcc: compiling target main.c
libtool: compile:  gcc -g -O -c main.c  -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/main.o
libtool: compile:  gcc -g -O -c main.c -o main.o >/dev/null 2>&1
libtool: link: gcc -g -O -o CompileTest .libs/main.o  /home/saman/Projects/LCC/trunk/.libs/libMyMath.a


;;; about a lisp file
;;;; author, licence and/or documentation about each target
(variable long height) ; description of a form
(function sqr ((double a)) 
  (returns double)
  ;; some commented code or documentation inside code
  (return (* a a)))
(@define (code "SHA1_ROTL(bits, word) (((word) << (bits)) | ((word) >> (32-(bits)))"))

(struct SHA512Context
  (@ifdef USE_32BIT_ONLY)
  (member uint32_t Intermediate_Hash[(/ SHA512HashSize 4)]) ; Message Digest
  (member uint32_t Length[4])                               ; Message length in bits
  (@else)                                                   ; !USE_32BIT_ONLY
  (member uint64_t Intermediate_Hash[(/ SHA512HashSize 8)]) ; Message Digest
  (member uint64_t Length_High)
  (member uint64_t Length_Low)                              ; Message length in bits
  (@endif)                                                  ; USE_32BIT_ONLY
  (member int_least16_t Message_Block_Index)                ; Message_Block array index
  (member uint8_t Message_Block[SHA512_Message_Block_Size]) ; 1024-bit message blocks
  (member int Computed)                                     ; Is the hash computed?
  (member int Corrupted))                                   ; Cumulative corruption code
#define SHA1_ROTL(bits, word) (((word) << (bits)) | ((word) >> (32-(bits)))

typedef struct SHA512Context {
#ifdef USE_32BIT_ONLY
  uint32_t Intermediate_Hash [SHA512HashSize / 4];
  uint32_t Length [4];
  uint64_t Intermediate_Hash [SHA512HashSize / 8];
  uint64_t Length_High;
  uint64_t Length_Low;
  int_least16_t Message_Block_Index;
  uint8_t Message_Block [SHA512_Message_Block_Size];
  int Computed;
  int Corrupted;
} SHA512Context;

Decision Making


If form accepts 2 or 3 argument. condition, form for true evaluation of condition and form for false evaluation. third part(else) could be omitted. use block form if you need more forms in each part.

(let ((int a . 5)
      (int b . 6))
  (if (> a b)
     (printf "a is greater")
    (printf "maybe b is greater")))
  int a = 5;
  int b = 6;
  if (a > b)
    printf("a is greater");
    printf("maybe b is greater");
(let ((int a . 5)
      (int b . 6))
  (if (> a b)
       (printf "a is greater")
       (set a (* a b)))
      (printf "maybe b is greater")
      (set b (* b a)))))
  int a = 5;
  int b = 6;
  if (a > b) {
    printf("a is greater");
    a = a * b;
  } else {
    printf("maybe b is greater");
    b = b * a;


(let ((int a))
  (printf "Please enter a number between 1 and 5: ")
  (scanf "%d" (addressof a))
  (switch a
    (case 1 (printf "You chose One")   (break))
    (case 2 (printf "You chose Two")   (break))
    (case 3 (printf "You chose Three") (break))
    (case 4 (printf "You chose Four")  (break))
    (case 5 (printf "You chose Five")  (break))
    (default (printf "Invalid Choice."))))
  int a;
  printf("Please enter a number between 1 and 5: ");
  scanf("%d", &a);
  switch (a) {
    case 1:
      printf("You chose One");
    case 2:
      printf("You chose Two");
    case 3:
      printf("You chose Three");
    case 4:
      printf("You chose Four");
    case 5:
      printf("You chose Five.");
      printf("Invalid Choice");



(let ((int n . 1)
      (int times . 5))
  (while (<= n times)
    (printf "lcc while loops: %d\n" n)
    (++# n)))
  int n = 1, times = 5;

  while (n <= times) {
      printf("C while loops: %d\n", n);


(let ((int n . 1)
      (int times . 5))
  (do (<= n times)
    (printf "lcc do loops: %d\n" n)
    (++# n)))
  int n = 1, times = 5;

  do {
      printf("C do loops: %d\n", n);
  } while (n <= times)


(for ((int n . 1)
      (int times . 5))
  (<= n times)
  (++# n)
  (printf "lcc for loops: %d\n" n))
for (int n = 1, int times = 5; (n <= times);) {
  printf("lcc for loops: %d\n", n);


Static array:

(let ((int ages [] . '{20 22 24 26}))
  (for-each (int i) ages (/ (sizeof ages) (sizeof int))
    (printf "each age: %d\n" i)))
  int ages[] = {20, 22, 24, 26};
  for (int G4321 = 0; G4321 < sizeof(ages) / sizeof(int); G4321++) {
    int i = ages[G4321];
    printf("each age: %d\n", i);

Dynamic array:

(function main ((int argc) (char ** argv))
  (for-each (char * arg) argv argc
    (printf "%s\n" arg)))
int main (int argc, char ** argv) 
  for (int G4321 = 0; G4321 < argc; G4321++) {
    char * arg = argv[G4321];
    printf("%s\n", arg);


lcc has some points on functions:

(target "main.c"
  (:std #t)
  ;; function declaration
  {declare} (function addition ((int * a) (int * b)) (returns int))
  (function main ()
    ;; local variable definition
    (let ((int answer)
          (int num1 . 10)
          (int num2 . 5))
      ;; calling a function to get addition value
      (set answer (addition (addressof num1) (addressof num2)))
      (printf "The addition of two numbers is: %d\n" answer))
    (return 0))
  ;; function returning the addition of two numbers
  (function addition ((int * a) (int * b))
    (returns int)
    (return (+ (contentof a) (contentof b)))))
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

/* function declaration */
int addition(int *num1, int *num2);

int main()
    /* local variable definition */    
    int answer;
    int num1 = 10;
    int num2 = 5;
    /* calling a function to get addition value */    
    answer = addition(&num1, &num2);
    printf("The addition of two numbers is: %d\n", answer);
  return 0;

/* function returning the addition of two numbers */
int addition(int *a,int *b)
    return *a + *b;
{declare} (function function_pointer ((int) (int)))
void function_pointer (int, int);
typedef void (*function_pointer_t) (int, int);



(variable double amount [5])
double amount[5];


(variable int ages [5] . '{22 23 24 25 26})
int ages[5] = {22 23 24 25 26};
(variable int myArray [5])

;; Initializing elements of array seperately
(for ((int n . 0))
  (< n (/ (sizeof myArray) (sizeof int)))
  (++# n)
  (set (nth n myArray) n))
int myArray[5];

// Initializing elements of array seperately
for(int n = 0; n < sizeof(myArray) / sizeof(int); n++)
  myArray[n] = n;


(variable char name [6] . '{#\C #\l #\o #\u #\d #\Null})
(variable char name []  . "Cloud")
(variable char * name   . "Cloud")
char name[6] = {'C', 'l', 'o', 'u', 'd', '\0'};
char name[]  = "Cloud";
char * name  = "Cloud";

Special Characters

#\Null #\Space #\Newline #\Tab #\Page #\Rubout #\Linefeed #\Return #\Backspace


(variable int * width)
(variable int * letter)
int  *width;
char *letter;
(target "main.c"
  (include <stdio.h>)
  (function main ((int argc) (char * argv []))
    (let ((int n . 20)
          (int * pntr))        ; actual and pointer variable declaration
      (set pntr (addressof n)) ; store address of n in pointer variable
      (printf "Address of n variable: %x\n" (addressof n))
      ;; address stored in pointer variable
      (printf "Address stored in pntr variable: %x\n" pntr)

      ;; access the value using the pointer
      (printf "Value of *pntr variable: %d\n" (contentof pntr)))
    (return 0))

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
    int n = 20, *pntr;  /* actual and pointer variable declaration */
    pntr = &n;          /* store address of n in pointer variable  */
    printf("Address of n variable: %x\n", &n);

    /* address stored in pointer variable */   
    printf("Address stored in pntr variable: %x\n", pntr);

    /* access the value using the pointer */   
    printf("Value of *pntr variable: %d\n", *pntr);
  return 0;

Dynamic Memory Allocation

C dynamic memory allocation functions malloc(), calloc(), realloc(), free() are available. Other keyword alloc that works in let initialization part which automatically is checking pointer and freeing allocated memory at the end of let scope.

(let ((char * mem_alloc . #'(malloc (* 15 (sizeof char))))) ; memory allocated dynamically
  (if (== mem_alloc nil) (printf "Couldn't able to allocate requested memory\n"))
  (free mem_alloc))
  char * mem_alloc = malloc(15 * sizeof(char)); /* memory allocated dynamically */
  if (mem_alloc == NULL) {
    printf("Couldn't able to allocate requested memory\n");

Allocation with alloc and equivalent code in C:

(let ((char * safe_alloc . #'(alloc (* 15 (sizeof char)))))
  (printf "Memory allocated safely\n"))
    char * safe_alloc = ((char *)malloc((15 * sizeof(char))));
    if (safe_alloc == NULL) printf("dynamic memory allocation failed! safe_alloc\n");
    printf("Memory allocated safely\n");
(let ((int n_rows . 4)
      (int n_columns . 5)
      (int ** matrix . #'(alloc (* (* n_rows n_columns) (sizeof int)))))
  (printf "Matrix allocated\n"))
    int n_rows = 4;
    int n_columns = 5;
    int ** matrix = ((int **)malloc(((n_rows * n_columns) * sizeof(int))));
    if (matrix == NULL) printf("dynamic memory allocation failed! matrix\n");
    printf("Matrix allocated\n");

Allocation by alloc and equivalent calloc:

(let ((char * safe_alloc . #'(alloc 15 (sizeof char))))
  (printf "Memory allocated safely\n"))
  char * safe_alloc = calloc(15, sizeof(char)); 
  if (safe_alloc == NULL) printf("dynamic memory allocation failed! safe_alloc\n");
  printf("Memory allocated safely\n");


declares form is for declaring one or more variable(s) at the end of nested struct declaration just for anonymous structures. Use $ form for struct's member access and -> form for member access of pointer of struct.

(struct Course
  (member char WebSite [50])
  (member char Subject [50])
  (member int  Price))
(variable Course c1 . '{"domain.com" "Compilers" 100})
(variable Course * pc1 . #'(addressof c1))
(function print_course ()
  (printf "Course: %s in %s for %d$" 
    ($ c1 Subject) 
    ($ c1 WebSite)
    ($ c1 Price))
  (printf "Course: %s in %s for %d$" 
    (-> pc1 Subject) 
    (-> pc1 WebSite)
    (-> pc1 Price)))
typedef struct Course {
  char WebSite [50];
  char Subject [50];
  int Price;
} Course;

Course c1 = {"domain.com", "Compilers", 100};
Course * pc1 = &c1;

void print_course () {
  printf("Course: %s in %s for %d$", c1.Subject, c1.WebSite, c1.Price);
  printf("Course: %s in %s for %d$", pc1->Subject, pc1->WebSite, pc1->Price);


declares form is for declaring one or more variable(s) at the end of nested union declaration just for anonymous unions. Use $ form for union's member access and -> form for member access of pointer of union.

(struct USHAContext
  (member int whichSha)                 ; which SHA is being used
    (member SHA1Context   sha1Context)
    (member SHA224Context sha224Context) 
    (member SHA256Context sha256Context)
    (member SHA384Context sha384Context) 
    (member SHA512Context sha512Context)
    (declares ctx)))
typedef struct USHAContext {
  int whichSha;
  union {
    SHA1Context sha1Context;
    SHA224Context sha224Context;
    SHA256Context sha256Context;
    SHA384Context sha384Context;
    SHA512Context sha512Context;
  } ctx;
} USHAContext;


  (shaSuccess . 0)
  (shaNull)            ; Null pointer parameter
  (shaInputTooLong)    ; input data too long
  (shaStateError)      ; called Input after FinalBits or Result
  (shaBadParam))       ; passed a bad parameter
enum {
  shaSuccess = 0,


(guard __STUDENT_H__
  (struct Student
    (member char name [50])
    (member char family [50])
    (member int  class_no)))
#ifndef __STUDENT_H__
#define __STUDENT_H__
typedef struct Student {
  char name [50];
  char family [50];
  int class_no;
} Student;
#endif /* __STUDENT_H__ */ 


(typedef int * intptr_t)
typedef int * intptr_t;

C++ Compiler

C++ compiler could be used instead of C compiler then some features availables:

Good Luck!