


Skill Simulator for MONSTER HUNTER

Skill Simulator find combinations of equipments for activated skills.

const mhsimu = require('mh-skillsimu');

let simu = mhsimu(mh4gdata);
let assems = simu.simulateEquip([ '斬れ味レベル+1', '耳栓', '集中' ]);
[ { head: 'ミヅハ【烏帽子】',
    body: 'アカムトウルンテ',
    arm: 'EXレックスアーム',
    waist: 'クシャナアンダ',
    leg: 'アークグリーヴ',
    weapon: null,
    charm: null },
  { head: 'ミヅハ【烏帽子】',
    body: 'アカムトウルンテ',
    arm: 'EXレックスアーム',
    waist: 'クシャナアンダ',
    leg: 'ゾディアスグリーヴ',
    weapon: null,
    charm: null } ]

How to build

Before you build mh-skillsimu, you must install and configure following dependencies on your machine:

At first, clone mh-skillsimu from github repository.

$ git clone --depth=10 https://github.com/sakusimu/mh-skillsimu

And change directory.

$ cd mh-skillsimu

Install dependence modules in ./node_modules.

$ npm install

Build your mh-skillsimu.js in dist directory.

$ npm run dist


At first, download and build test data.

$ npm run testdata

For example, run examples/basic.js

examples/basic.js, the following code:

'use strict';
const mhsimu = require('../');
const myapp = require('../test/test-driver/myapp')('mh4g');

let simu = mhsimu(myapp.data);
let assemblies = simu.simulateEquip([ '斬れ味レベル+1', '耳栓', '集中' ]);
$ node examples/basic.js
[ { head: 'ミヅハ【烏帽子】',
    body: 'アカムトウルンテ',
    arm: 'EXレックスアーム',
    waist: 'クシャナアンダ',
    leg: 'アークグリーヴ',
    weapon: null,
    charm: null },
  { head: 'ミヅハ【烏帽子】',
    body: 'アカムトウルンテ',
    arm: 'EXレックスアーム',
    waist: 'クシャナアンダ',
    leg: 'ゾディアスグリーヴ',
    weapon: null,
    charm: null } ]

How to use

mh-skillsimu require data.

data pass as an argument to a mh-skillsimu.
For example, the following:

const mhsimu = require('./index');

let simu = mhsimu(data);
// or

You need to prepare data.

Specification of data, the following:

// data
    equips: {
        head  : [ equip, ... ],
        body  : [ ... ],
        arm   : [ ... ],
        waist : [ ... ],
        leg   : [ ... ],
        weapon: [ ... ],
        charm : [ ... ]
    decos: [ deco, ... ]
    skills: { 'skillname': skill, ... }

// equip
    name: 'equip name',
    slot: 'slot num',
    skills: { 'skilltree': 'skillpoint (number)', ... }
// e.g. head
    name: 'レウスヘルム', slot: 0,
    skills: { '攻撃': 3, '火属性攻撃': 1, '回復量': -2 }
// e.g. charm
    name: '龍の護石(スロ3,匠+4,氷耐性-5)', slot: 3,
    skills: { '匠': 4, '氷耐性': -5 }

// deco
    name: 'deco name',
    slot: 'slot num',
    skills: { 'skilltree': 'skillpoint (number)', ... }
// e.g.
{ name: '攻撃珠【1】', slot: 1, skills: { '攻撃': 1, '防御': -1 } }

// skill
    name: 'skillname',
    tree: 'skilltree',
    point: 'skillpoint (number)',
// e.g.
{ name: '攻撃力UP【大】', tree: '攻撃', point: 20 };

See test/test-driver/myapp.js for more details.

Running Tests

At first, download and build test data.

$ npm run testdata

To run all unit tests, use:

$ npm test

To run a unit test, use:

$ npm test test/unit/~.js

To run all unit tests on Browser (need Chrome), use:

$ npm run test-browser

Running Benchmark Scripts

To run a benchmark script, use:

$ node benchmarks/mh4g-equip-simu.js

To run a benchmark script on Browser, use:

$ npm run build-benchmark-b

and open benchmarks/html/~.html on your Browser.

See Also




Author of GANSIMU
When I create the simulator, I use the algorithm author of GANSIMU was published.
検索ロジック:MHP2G スキルシミュレータ 頑シミュ


Copyright (C) 2015 sakusimu.net

Licensed under the MIT license.